
Lessons learned from getting .NET to REST with Java

Lessons learned from getting .NET to REST with Java Performance, Scalability and Architecture (dynaTrace Blog)
From: dynaTrace

On a recent project I had to call Java REST services from a .NET Client. Several problems came up – ranging from authentication to hidden performance issues. I want to share my lessons learned and encourage you to share your own opinions and experiences on this topic.
The Context: REST to automate analysis processes in Continuous Integration

Let’s start by giving you some context on my project. I am using dynaTrace and it’s PurePath technology for performance analysis and architecture validation of software applications. Instead of doing this manually I want to automate this process by integrating dynaTrace into my Continuous Integration process so that every build that I run is automatically verified in terms of performance regressions and architectural shortcomings.
dynaTrace exposes several REST services – both on the dynaTrace Server as well as on the dynaTrace Client side. It uses Jetty to host these services. These services enable automation of capturing and analysing diagnostics data that is captured by dynaTrace for every transaction that is executed in my CI environment, e.g.: by my Unit- and Integration Tests.

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