Santo André 1 x 1 Corinthians
Já postei diversas vezes aqui, mas vou ser insistente, ATENÇÃO diretoria corinthiana, CADÊ OS REFORÇOS??? Desse jeito além de não disputar o título do Brasileirão 2009, ainda vamos ser novamente escurraçados da Libertadores e bem no ano do centenário. A Nação Corinthiana exige respeito e reforços e o título da Libertadores. Estamos de olho!!! André Santos e Christian fora e ainda nenhuma peça de reposição a altura. Ronaldo lesionado. Douglas saindo, Souza saindo (não faz falta), Felipe talvez seja negociado (ele quer ficar), Dentinho já recusou proposta mas isso era com o Ronaldo arrebentando, etc. É hora de mostrar que temos uma administração decente e confiável.
Santo André
Neneca; Rômulo, Cesinha, Marcel e Arthur; Fernando, Ricardo Conceição, Marcelinho Carioca e Gustavo Nery (Pablo Escobar); Osny (Ricardo Goulart) e Antônio Flávio (Rodriguinho)
Técnico: Sandro Gaúcho
Felipe; Diogo, Chicão, William e Marcinho (Marcelinho); Moradei, Jucilei e Morais; Jorge Henrique (Bill), Henrique (Souza) e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 29/07/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: estádio Benedito Teixeira, em São José do Rio Preto (SP)
Árbitro: Cleber Wellington Abade (SP)
Auxiliares: Nilson de Souza Monção (SP) e Anderson Moraes Coelho (SP)
Cartões amarelos: Gustavo Nery, Rômulo, Marcelinho Carioca, Arthur, Cesinha (STA)
Cartão vermelho: Dentinho (COR)
Gols: Marcelinho Carioca, aos 19min, e Chicão, 29min do segundo tempo
Raul Seixas - Eu Também Vou Reclamar

1. Canto Para Minha Morte
2. Meu Amigo Pedro
3. Ave Maria da Rua
4. Quando Você Crescer
5. O Dia da Saudade
6. Eu Também Vou Reclamar
7. As Minas do Rei Salomão
8. O Homem
9. Os Números
10. Cantiga de Ninar
11. Eu Nasci Há 10 Mil Anos Atrás
21 de Agosto de 2009 - 20 Anos sem Raul (ou melhor com muito Raul, forever)
Setting up sudo: Part 2
July 28, 2009 —
If when setting up your sudoers file using the visudo command, you define a group of users and a group of commands, you can assign the command set to the use set without having to add a separate line for each user. Over the long haul, this might save you a lot of work. You could turn something that looks like this repetitive list of users and the commands they are allowed to run as root:
jesse ALL = /usr/bin/kill, /usr/sbin/halt, /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/reboot
vail ALL = /usr/bin/kill, /usr/sbin/halt, /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/reboot
rafael ALL = /usr/bin/kill, /usr/sbin/halt, /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/reboot
into this:
User_Alias OPS = jesse, vail, rafael
Cmnd_Alias CONTROL = /usr/bin/kill, /usr/sbin/halt, /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/reboot
Of course, that isn't convincingly better unless you have a lot more lines in your file and a number of users who share the same set of responsibilities. For example, you might want to assign a certain set of commands to your system administrators, another to your developers and a third set to your technical support staff.
An out-of-the-box sudoers file will generally only contain some comments detailing where each type of alias is supposed to be defined and maybe one "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" command that allows root to run any command using sudo. The fleshed out, customized file may be hundreds of lines long with both privilege settings and explanations about what was intended. User aliases, as the above example illustrates, contain the keyword "User_Alias" as the first item on the line and are then followed by the alias name ("OPS" in the above example) and the list of commands. Notice that full paths are specified with each command. We don't want just any command by that name that might appear on the system to be run with the authority of root.
# User alias specification
User_Alias SYSADMINS=shs,jdoe,allan
User_Alias DEVELOPERS=chris,peter,martha,sally
User_Alias WEBMASTERS=amy,sbob
Runas specifications determine the user or group that a command can be run as. For example, if we put the line "shs boson = (fred) /usr/bin/touch", then the user shs can issue the touch command as fred on boson. If we want to group runas users into an alias, we can do this:
Runas_Alias DB = oracle, postgres
The following line would then allow the user sbob to run any command on any system as oracle or postgres:
sbob ALL = (DB) ALL
You can group systems together in a Host-Alias in a similar manner. Just use the Host_Alias keyword, provide a name for your system grouping and then list the group members.
Host_Alias DEVBOXES = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
Then, if you want sbob to have database privileges on only the development servers, you can use this command:
Command aliases are defined with the keyword Cmnd_Alias, the name and a list of commands. These should be added in logical groupings. For example, this alias makes a lot of sense since it groups the commands that deal with passwords and other user parameters:
Cmnd_Alias VIPW = /usr/sbin/vipw, /usr/bin/passwd, /usr/bin/chsh, \
Also notice how the continuation character allows alias definitions to spans lines.
User specifications can begin with a specific user name (e.g., shs), an alias (e.g., OPS), a netgroup (e.g., +netmgrs) or system group (e.g., %wheel). For example:
+netmgrs DEPTBOXES = ALL
Once you define a set of aliases that works for your site, you will find that maintaining the sudoers file becomes much easier, especially when many users and systems are involved.
The sudoers file also includes a section that is intended to allow sudo defaults to be changed. For example, you might decide not to lecture (i.e., forgo displaying a short blurb about the use of xxxxx) or can specify a file containing an alternate lecture. The sample command below tells sudo not to lecture the developers (anyone included in the DEVELOPERS user alias).
# Defaults specification
Defaults:DEVELOPERS !lecture
The sudoers file can become fairly complicated, but if you set it up carefully, it can provide a reliable degree of control over who does what on your servers. Just remember to update it as people come and go and change positions. It's an easy thing to overlook if you set it up and then forget about it.
Setting up sudo
July 22, 2009 —
One clear benefit of sudo is that users don't have to remember another password to be able to run commands as root. Besides, you probably don't want them to have general root access. It's also extremely handy when you want someone to have temporary root access; you don't even have to provide them with the password. Just enable them to "sudo su" and they'll acquire root access just by using this command and their own password.
You can give full root access to a system without providing the root password by using a record like this in the sudoers file:
visadmin ALL=/usr/bin/su
You would add a line such as this to the sudoers file using the visudo command.
For more general use, you can specify the commands that you want particular users to be able to run as root or not be able to run as root. It's far easier, however, and more secure to list the commands that you want your users to run with the authority of root, rather than those you want to block them from using. Blocking can be easy to defeat (e.g., if they create a symbolic link to a command they're not allowed to execute) as shown in the example below. Besides, it's hard to consider all the possible ways around the controls or remember to update the sudoers file after you have added new tools.
boson> sudo date
Sorry, user shs is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/date' as root on boson.
Jul 22 15:24:24 boson sudo: [ID 702911 local2.alert] shs : command not
allowed ; TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/export/home/shs ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/date
boson> which date
boson> ln -s /usr/bin/date dt
boson> ls -l dt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 shs other 13 Jul 22 10:22 dt -> /usr/bin/date
boson> sudo ./dt
Wed Jul 22 10:23:38 EDT 2009
Sudo access rules are simple in structure, but a little dense, especially when they contain a whole bunch of ALLs like "SYSADMINS ALL = ALL" or even "ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL" and you're not sure what each of these "ALLs" is meant to accomplish.
ALL is a placeholder. Its basic definition is "match everything". If you put ALL in a field which is meant to identify a user who is being given the ability to run certain commands as root, ALL means all users. If ALL is used in the command field, it means all commands. The "ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL" specification would then mean that everyone can do everything as root. Not a good setting! But maybe an OK example.
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
1 2 3 4
1 = all users
2 = all terminals
3 = acting as any user
4 = all commands
The line "shs ALL=(ALL) ALL" would give all privileges to a user "shs".
If the third ALL in this command structure is puzzling, consider that you can use sudo to run commands for accounts other than root as is shown in the example below.
boson> sudo -u fred touch /tmp/x
-rw-r--r-- 1 fred other 0 Jul 22 11:03 /tmp/x
If the line in the sudoers file was "shs ALL=(eric) /usr/bin/touch", shs could only issue the touch command via sudo as the user eric.
The first column in the sudoers file represents users or aliases. It might be a individual username, an alias for a group of users (e.g., SYSADMINS) defined earlier in the file or a representation of all users (%users). It might an alias for a group of commands, systems or a "run as" alias.
Records in the sudoers file are applied in the order in which they are listed. If multiple lines apply to a particular sudo command, the one listed last is the one that is used. So, if one line says that you can issue a command as root and the next says you can't, you can't.
Next week, we'll look at some examples of sudoers files and how they work.
Felipe; Diogo (Alessandro), Chicão, William e Diego (Marcinho); Jucilei, Elias e Douglas; Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo (Moradei) e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Marcos; Wendel, Maurício Ramos, Danilo e Armero; Pierre, Edmilson (Sandro Silva), Souza (Marcão), Cleiton Xavier (Deyvid Sacconi) e Diego Souza; Obina
Técnico: Jorginho
Data: 26/07/2009 (domingo)
Local: Estádio Eduardo José Farah, em Presidente Prudente (SP)
Árbitro: Leonardo Gaciba da Silva (Fifa/RS)
Assistentes: Ednilson Corona e Marcelo Carvalho Van Gasse (ambos SP)
Público: 29.977
Renda: R$ 867.035,00
Cartões amarelos: Diego (C), Alessandro (C), Elias (C); Edmílson (P), Armero (P), Maurício Ramos (P), Obina (P)
Cartão vermelho: Alessandro (C)
Gol: Obina, aos 31min do primeiro tempo; Obina, aos 15min e aos 20min do segundo tempo
The Overlapping Worlds of SaaS and SOA
The Overlapping Worlds of SaaS and SOA
— Software as a Service (SaaS) is getting a lot of attention these days. The concept of SaaS is not new and has existed for a while. It has been referred to by other names such as Application Service Provider (ASP), Managed service provider (MSP), on-demand services, cloud computing, utility computing etc. SaaS involves exposing applications over the network on a subscription basis with the pay-as-you-go model. This model was earlier popular with only small businesses who didn't want to invest heavily in their own IT departments, but slowly, this model is making its way into medium and large enterprises. SaaS offerings from companies such as SalesForce.com and Cisco WebEx have made this move up the chain possible. SaaS value proposition is now pretty clear to companies of all sizes and SaaS has become a crucial component of IT strategy for all companies.
Corinthians 2 x 1 Vitória
Felipe; Diogo, Chicão, Jean e Diego; Jucilei, Elias, Morais (Jorge Henrique) e Douglas (Moradei); Dentinho (Marcinho) e Ronaldo
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Viáfara; Wallace, Anderson Martins e Victor Ramos; Apodi (Ramon), Uelliton, Magal (Itacaré), Leandro Domingues e Leandro; Willian (Bida) e Roger
Técnico: Paulo César Carpegiani
Data: 23/07/2009 (quinta-feira)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Nielson Nogueira Dias (PE)
Auxiliares: Dibert Pedrosa Moisés (Fifa-RJ) e Ubirajara Ferraz Jota (PE)
Público: 23.600 pagantes (total de 24.912)
Renda: R$ 790.364,50
Cartões amarelos: Elias, Dentinho, Felipe (COR); Magal, Wallace, Victor Ramos, Anderson Martins (VIT)
Gols: Dentinho, aos 21min, Jean, aos 30min, e Apodi, aos 42min do primeiro tempo
Dá só uma olhada na trama armada pelo ataque do Corinthians, sensacional o toque de bola, a triangulação, a tranquilidade, a inteligência e a finalização. Golaço!!!
Dia do Amigo
Use The Source, Luke!
Use The Source, Luke!
—Is ESB just an expensive integration hub or is there more to the story than we heard…
In the beginning, the ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), was marketed as much more than an integration technology. While the core of an ESB is certainly about connectivity between services, there was – and still is – so much more to an ESB than just integrating disparate protocols and technologies. Transformation, parallel processing, content based routing, and service orchestration are among the more useful and beneficial capabilities of an ESB.
That’s why it was somewhat surprising to see the CTO of an organization that offers an (open-source) ESB essentially quoted as discouraging the use of ESBs unless it’s for use as an integration hub. Dana Gardner, in To ESB, or Not to ESB?, analyzes MuleSource CTO Ross Mason’s recent blog that actively discourages architects from leveraging an ESB unless it’s necessary.
While the conversation focused on the pitfalls of using an ESB where you don’t need one, the Mule CTO naturally believes there are architectures where the ESB makes sense. To begin with, you need to be working on a project where you have three or more applications that need to talk to each other, he explained.
“If you’ve got three applications that have to talk to each other, you’ve actually got six integration points, one for each service, and then it goes up exponentially,” Mason said.
The ESB technology is also needed where the protocols go beyond HTTP. “You should consider an ESB when you start using Java Message Service (JMS), representational state transfer (REST), or any of the other protocols out there,” Mason said. “When communications start getting more complicated is when an ESB shows its true value.”
I could disagree more, but not much. The reduction of a robust technology like ESB – once considered the backbone of SOA – to little more than an integration hub was painful to read.
But what’s more painful is that the paraphrasing in Dana Gardner’s article misses most of Mason’s guidance. Reading through the original blog clearly indicates that Mason believes an ESB is much more than an integration hub and even spells out a rather lengthy list of “selection criteria” to help architects understand when and ESB will be beneficial and when it will not. But Gardner’s article appears to make the case that the only good use for an ESB is as an integration hub.
The only disagreement I have with Mason’s list is that some of the criteria seems to contradict other criteria. For example, he states: “Do you need to use more than one type of communication protocol? If you are just using HTTP/Web Services or just JMS, you’re not going to get any of the benefits if cross protocol messaging and transformation that Mule provides.” but then offers “Do you need message routing capabilities such as forking and aggregating message flows, or content-based routing?”
But what if I need aggregation of message flows and content-based routing between three or more HTTP/Web services? Oh the conflict!
Aside from that particular nit, which is really not all that much of one given that architects are smart enough to resolve that apparent conflict, Mason’s extensive set of questions not only offer proper guidance but also subtly lays out a comprehensive list of what an ESB can (and should) really do. He is not, as it appears from Gardner’s article, implying ESB is nothing more than an integration hub. In fact it appears that Mason is doing exactly the opposite as the list of criteria clearly leads the reader toward an understanding that if the only thing you need is integration, you might want to look at solutions other than an ESB. The problem is that the secondary article distills Mason’s guidance in an attempt to succinctly get to the point and in doing so oversimplifies the answer to the question “Should I use an ESB or not?”
The article about the original article is lacking the context necessary to properly interpret and understand Mason’s points. It’s much the same as we see in an application infrastructure, where multiple point products are chained together in an attempt to provide a variety of application delivery related services: security, optimization, load balancing, secure access, and acceleration. As data flows from one solution to the next, the original context is lost and the loss of that context means that most of the hops are bereft of all the juicy information (the lengthy list in Mason’s article) necessary to actually make intelligent decisions regarding the application of policies designed to improve application security, reliability, and performance.
The use of disparate solutions to provide related but separate application delivery functions takes the transaction out of context much in the same way second-hand sources tend to distill the original source until its context is nearly gone and changes its intended meaning. That leaves folks (and devices) interpreting information without the benefit of the original context, which can lead to the wrong conclusion (wrong policy, wrong decision, etc…).
Too, the simplification of a technology-related matter also bothers me not just because it does a disservice to ESB, but because it happens all the time with technology; I see it every day with load balancing and application delivery. Load balancing is certainly core to application delivery, the latter deriving from the former over time, but application delivery is, like ESB and any other evolutionary solution, comprised of much more functionality and value than its predecessor. Load balancing is certainly easier to implement, like point-to-point integration between two services, but the optimization, security, and acceleration benefits of application delivery are lost when focusing solely on load balancing much the same way the orchestration, processing, and management benefits of an ESB are lost when focusing solely on its integration capabilities.
Distillation is all well and good, and oft times necessary, but should not happen at the expense of the technology.
Technorati Tags: MacVittie,F5,ESB,SOA,integration,application delivery,load balancing,optimization,acceleration,security,protocols,JMS,content-based routing,Ross Mason,Mule Source,Dana Gardner,web,internet,blogRelated blogs & articles:
- From the Mule’s Mouth: To ESB or not to ESB
- Dana Gardner: To ESB, or Not to ESB
- The Context-Aware Cloud
- Governance: Service Catalogs and the Cloud
- SOA Announces Comeback Tour
- SOA isn't dead, but its standards are
- Is your SOA really SEA?
- Load Balancing as an ESB Service
- Business-Layer Load Balancing
Cruzeiro 1 x 2 Corinthians
Confira abaixo os principais lances da partida contra o Cruzeiro e os jogadores que defenderam o Timão neste domingo:
9min – Jucilei faz boa jogada pela direita, toca para Morais que cruza para Jorge Henrique; a zaga corta e manda para escanteio
18min – Dudu recebe dentro da área e tenta chute; bola passa longe do gol de Felipe
20min – Marquinhos Paraná acha Kléber dentro da área; o jogador gira e tenta o chute, mas Cristian corta pelo Timão
22min - GOOOOOL DO TIMÃO!!! No contra-ataque, Ronaldo faz belo lançamento para Jorge Henrique; o atacante domina tirando o goleiro Fábio e rola a bola para o gol!
24min – Henrique faz falta dura em Jorge Henrique e é punido com cartão amarelo
27min – Pênalti! Ronaldo chuta para o gol e Leonardo tira com a mão; o zagueiro ainda recebe cartão vermelho na jogada
28min – Ronaldo bate com paradinha, mas Fábio não cai e defende
29min – Elias pára contra-ataque com falta e recebe cartão amarelo
31min - Fabrício acerta André Santos e recebe cartão amarelo
33min – Morais faz falta em Fabrício e também leva cartão amarelo
34min – Kléber cruza pela esquerda e Marquinhos Paraná arma o chute, mas acaba furando
36min – Kléber toca de letra para Gerson Magrão, que invade a are e enche o pé; a bola sobe demais
45min – Morais aproveita falha da defesa, vence a disputa com Fabinho e toca na saída de Fábio; a bola beija a trave e sai pela linha de fundo
47min – Fim de primeiro tempo!
1min – Diogo puxa pela direita com velocidade, invade a pequena área e chuta cruzado; a bola passa na frente do gol
2min – Diego faz falta em Wellington Paulista e recebe cartão amarelo
6min – Kléber bota a mão na bola e recebe cartão amarelo
8min – Elias solta o pé de fora da área; Fábio cai e faz a defesa
9min – Ronaldo recebe na área e chuta cruzado; Fábio faz boa defesa e espalma; na sobra, Elias tenta colocado, mas manda para fora
10min – Jonathan rola para Kléber, que chuta de primeira; a passa por cima do gol de Felipe
13min – Jucilei passa para Jorge Henrique, que bate colocado; Fábio faz mais uma boa defesa
17min – Primeira substituição no Timão: sai Morais, entra Jadson
18min – Thiago Ribeiro cruza e Kléber não consegue concluir
19min – Marquinhos Paraná enche o pé de fora da área; Felipe faz ótima defesa
20min – Elias recebe cara a cara com Fábio, mas chuta pra longe
24min – André Santos lança Ronaldo, que chuta para o gol; Fábio defende com tranqüilidade
25min – Segunda substituição no Timão: sai Jorge Henrique, entra Marcelinho
26min – Fabrício chuta de fora da área e Felipe espalma; no rebote, Thiago Ribeiro tenta de cabeça, mas Felipe defende novamente
30min - Jonathan chuta forte de fora da área; Felipe faz ótima defesa
31min – GOOOOOOL DO TIMÃO!!! Jucilei arranca pela direita, dribla o zagueiro e rola para Ronaldo, livre, estufar a rede de Fábio!
34min – Última substituição no Timão: sai Elias, entra Marcinho
38min – Pênalti! Chicão comete falta em Kléber dentro da área
39min – Gol do Cruzeiro! Kléber bate no meio do gol e desconta para o Cruzeiro
46min – Athirson cruza para Thiago Ribeiro, que cabeceia para gol; Chicão salva em cima da linha; na sobra, Felipe sai nos pés de Kléber para evitar o gol
48min – Fim de jogo no Mineirão!
Felipe; André Santos, Chicão, Diego e Diogo; Cristian, Elias (Marcinho) e Jucilei; Jorge Henrique (Marcelinho), Ronaldo e Morais (Jadson)
Corinthians 4 x 3 Sport
Free BPM Modeling Tools
SOA Infrastructure Blog: REST maybe part of the answer
When developing Object applications, in whatever language, you hit a reality that if your application is successful, then it will grow beyond the confines of the machine/JMV that it runs on, and as such you have to refer to objects that are beyond a single instance of the application's memory space. This can be done using a number of different technologies such as object databases that can map the same object into different application instances, but the locks are maintained by the central server so consistency of the objects are maintained, even if the object is distributed in 100s of applications at a time.
Read more >
SOA Infrastructure Blog: REST maybe part of the answer
Poster do Tri Campeão da Copa do Brasil
Brasileirão 2009 - Grêmio 3 x Corinthians 0
O Timão sentiu e muito a falta de Chicão e William na zaga. O time não se entendeu em campo, jogou muito mal e não conseguiu repetir as boas atuações dos últimos jogos. Precisamos de peças de reposição urgente para a defesa, não dá pra ficar refém de dois jogadores o tempo todo. E se forem negociados? Atenção diretoria, é hora de começar a mostrar serviço. Pra vencer a Libertadores, podemos manter a base, mas precisamos de reforços, principalmente na defesa.
Timão joga mal e cai no Olímpico
Confira os melhores lances e os jogadores que defenderam o Corinthians nesta tarde.
2min – Willian Thiengo derruba Dentinho e recebe o primeiro cartão amarelo do jogo.
5min – Jonas recebe na entrada da área e chuta fraco para a defesa de Felipe.
8min – Ronaldo completa jogada que já havia sido parada por impedimento e recebe o amarelo.
13min – Jorge Henrique toca de cabeça após cobrança de escanteio, mas Thiengo tira em cima da linha.
15min – Gol do Grêmio... Fábio Santos cruza para Alex Mineiro, que completa para as redes: 1 a 0 no Olímpico.
19min - Fábio Santos cobra falta à esquerda de Felipe.
22min – Gol do Grêmio... Jonas completa cruzamento de Adílson e amplia: 2 a 0.
23min – Tcheco faz falta em Ronaldo e recebe o cartão amarelo.
29min – CARTÃO VERMELHO! Jean comete falta, reclama com o árbitro e é expulso.
30min – Tcheco cobra falta de longe e Felipe defende.
35min – Amarelo para Alessandro por falta em Jonas.
38min – Gol do Grêmio... Cruzamento de Souza, que Rafael Marques põe para dentro: 3 a 0.
42min – Elias arrisca de longe, mas Victor segura.
46min – Final de primeiro tempo no Olímpico.
0min – O Corinthians volta com uma alteração: Jorge Henrique sai para a entrada de Renato.
2min – Souza chuta de fora da área e Felipe defende.
3min – Rafael Marques comete falta em Ronaldo e recebe o cartão amarelo.
8min – Cruzamento para Jonas, que cabeceia para a defesa do camisa 1 alvinegro.
9min – Cartão amarelo para Leo após falta dura em Ronaldo.
12min – Elias arrisca mais uma vez de longe e Victor segura.
24min – Segunda substituição no Timão: Diogo entra no lugar de Alessandro.
29min – Perea é lançado em velocidade, chuta, mas Felipe manda para escanteio.
30min – Cartão amarelo para Dentinho por reclamação.
35min – Dentinho recebe pela esquerda, se livra da marcação e bate colocado. Victor faz boa defesa.
36min – Última substituição: Jucilei no lugar de Elias.
37min – Perea recebe o cartão amarelo por falta em Dentinho.
38min – Souza faz cera em ao ser substituído e recebe o amarelo.
47min – Fim de jogo em Porto Alegre.
Felipe; Alessandro (Diogo), Jean, Diego e André Santos; Cristian, Elias (Jucilei) e Douglas; Jorge Henrique (Renato), Dentinho e Ronaldo.
Dia Mundial do Rock
Led Zeppelin - Criadores do heavy-metal, muita influência do Blues e simplesmente uma das maiores bandas da história.
Rory Gallagher - Lendário guitarrista irlândes, seu sucesso começou no trio Taste e logo depois veio a carreira solo. Blues Rock da melhor qualidade.
Raul Seixas - o Pai do Rock nacional. Mesmo após 20 anos da sua morte, sua legião de fãs só aumenta.
Corinthians 4 x 2 Fluminense
No jogo da entrega das faixas pela conquista do tricampeonato da Copa do Brasil, o Timão mostrou porque é sim hoje, um dos melhores times do Brasil. Um jogaço de bola, com uma apresentação sensacional do Fenômeno. Ronaldo marcou 3 dos 4 gols da vitória corinthiana. Já somos o quinto colocado na classificação e pode acreditar, vamos lutar pela Tríplice Coroa.
Felipe, Alessandro (Diogo), Chicão, Diego e André Santos; Cristian, Elias e Douglas (Boquita); Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo (Henrique) e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Ricardo Berna; Mariano, Edcarlos, Cássio e João Paulo; Wellington Monteiro, Diguinho (Alan), Fabinho (Marquinho) e Conca; Leandro Amaral (Carlos Eduardo) e Fred
Técnico: Carlos Alberto Parreira
Data: 08/07/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Heber Roberto Lopes (Fifa-PR)
Auxiliares: Gilson Bento Coutinho (PR) e José Carlos Dias Passos (PR)
Público: 27.329 pagantes (total de 29.413)
Renda: R$ 951.184,00
Cartões amarelos: André Santos, Jorge Henrique (COR); João Paulo, Cássio (FLU)
Cartão vermelho: Fred (FLU)
Gols: Ronaldo, aos 24min, Dentinho, aos 29min, e Ronaldo aos 35min do primeiro tempo; Conca, aos 27min, Alan, aos 32min, e Ronaldo, aos 40min do segundo tempo
The Five Basic Characteristics of SOA
The Five Basic Characteristics of SOA
— The Gartner Group just listed "9 ways to measure SOA success.” Not to take anything away from Gartner, but theirs is a pretty basic list, if you ask me. Indeed, these nine measurements are really about any successful architecture, using SOA approaches or not, which is fine. However, I have a few of my own that are more specific to SOA.
Continua a choradeira
Tite rebate declaração de Felipe: 'Ele não tem muita moral para falar do Inter, não'
Estados Unidos - 04/07/2009
A singela homenagem do blog Fiel do Rock ao feriado do dia da independência dos Estados Unidos.
Vídeo apresentado na Preleção do Mano
Trabalho muito bem feito...e o resultado todos já sabemos!
Parabéns Timão!
Parabéns Mano Menezes!
Rumo a Libertadores!
Campanha do título da Copa do Brasil 2009
Lauro, Bolívar (Danilo Silva), Índio, Danny Morais e Kleber; Glaydson (Alecsandro), Guiñazu, Magrão e D'Alessandro; Taison (Andrezinho) e Nilmar
Técnico: Tite
Felipe, Alessandro, Chicão, William e André Santos (Diego); Cristian (Boquita), Elias e Douglas; Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo e Dentinho (Jean);
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Local: Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre
Árbitro: Ricardo Ribeiro (MG)
Auxiliares: Alessandro Álvaro Rocha de Matos (BA) e Roberto Braatz (PR)
Público: 50.286
Renda: R$ 754.460,00
Cartões amarelos: André Santos, Jorge Henrique e Elias (Corinthians), Bolívar, Índio, D'Alessandro e Taison (Internacional)
Cartões vermelhos: D'Alessandro (Internacional), Elias (Corinthians)
Gols: Jorge Henrique, aos 20min, e André Santos, aos 28min, do primeiro tempo; Alecsandro, aos 25min e 29min do segundo tempo.
Já era!!!! É Campeão!!!!!
Corinthians vence a Copa do Brasil e 'termina' 2009 em seis meses
O Coringão voltou... para Libertadores: Timão empata e fatura Copa do Brasil
Final da Copa do Brasil - Segundo Jogo
...fora os 2 x 0 do primeiro jogo...por enquanto tá 4 x 0...o show de bola!!!
...sem contar o tal Bolívar que além de nem poder estar em campo...já deveria ter sido expulso!!!
Vai Corinthians!!!!!
O Poder da Cachaça
EU JÁ SABIA !!!!! dá-lhe "Seo" Antônio
Aos 104 anos, o nordestino Antônio Eusébio não abre mão de um gole de cachaça antes das refeições, todos os dias. O pernambucano que se mudou para Maringá (PR) na década de 70, tem oito filhos e ainda costuma jogar futebol com o neto de 7 anos.
Corinthians x Internacional - Final Copa do Brasil
Saimos na frente e hoje ainda tem mais 90 minutos de sofrimento.
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Hoje é dia de Festa na Favela
Data:01/07/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre
Árbitro:Ricardo Ribeiro (MG)
Auxiliares:Alessandro Álvaro Rocha de Matos (BA) e Roberto Braatz (PR)
Lauro; Bolívar, Índio, Danny Morais e Kléber; Magrão, Guiñazu, Andrezinho (Glaydson) e D'Alessandro; Taison e Nilmar. ]
Técnico: Tite
Felipe; Alessandro, William, Chicão e André Santos; Cristian, Elias e Douglas; Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo e Dentinho.
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Esta é a escalação oficial...mas o Bolívar vai poder jogar?????