Barueri 2 x 2 Corinthians
Renê; Xandão, Daniel Marques e Leandro Castan; João Vítor, Ralf, Ewerton (Marcio Hahn), Thiago Humberto e Márcio Careca; Flavinho (Basílio) e Val Baiano (Luís)
Técnico: Diego Cerri
Rafael Santos; Balbuena, Jean, Paulo André e Marcinho (Marcelo Oliveira); Moradei, Elias e Morais; Jorge Henrique, Henrique (Souza) e Bill (Jadson)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 26/08/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: Arena Barueri, em Barueri (SP)
Árbitro: Sálvio Spínola Fagundes Filho (Fifa-SP)
Auxiliares: Ednilson Corona (Fifa-SP) e Roberto Braatz (Fifa-PR)
Cartões amarelos: Leandro Castan, Márcio Careca (BAR); Moradei, Paulo André, Elias, Souza, Morais, Marcelo Oliveira (COR)
Cartão vermelho: Xandão (BAR)
Gols: Flavinho, a 1min do primeiro tempo; Marcinho, aos 7min, Elias, aos 12min, e Val Baiano, aos 18min do segundo tempo
Lessons learned from getting .NET to REST with Java
From: dynaTrace
On a recent project I had to call Java REST services from a .NET Client. Several problems came up – ranging from authentication to hidden performance issues. I want to share my lessons learned and encourage you to share your own opinions and experiences on this topic.
The Context: REST to automate analysis processes in Continuous Integration
Let’s start by giving you some context on my project. I am using dynaTrace and it’s PurePath technology for performance analysis and architecture validation of software applications. Instead of doing this manually I want to automate this process by integrating dynaTrace into my Continuous Integration process so that every build that I run is automatically verified in terms of performance regressions and architectural shortcomings.
dynaTrace exposes several REST services – both on the dynaTrace Server as well as on the dynaTrace Client side. It uses Jetty to host these services. These services enable automation of capturing and analysing diagnostics data that is captured by dynaTrace for every transaction that is executed in my CI environment, e.g.: by my Unit- and Integration Tests.
ITIL Means Business for IT
ITIL Means Business for IT
Running IT departments as mature business units has clearly become more pressing. Recessionary budget pressures and the need to compare existing IT costs to newer options and investments means IT and business leaders need to understand how IT operates from an IT services management (ITSM) perspective.
The "reset economy" has moved the business and operations maturity process of IT from "nice to have" to "must have," if costs are going to be cut without undermining operational integrity. IT financial management (ITFM) must be pervasive and transparent if true costs are to be compared to alternative sourcing options like data center modernization, SaaS, virtualization, and cloud computing models.
Corinthians 3 x 3 Botagofo/RJ
Data: domingo; 23/08/2009
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Arilson Bispo da Anunciação (BA)
Auxiliares: Alessandro de Matos (Fifa-BA) e Luiz Carlos Teixeira (BA)
Público: 18.184 torcedores
Renda: R$ 511.930,00
Cartões amarelos: Jucilei, Jean, Elias, Dentinho (COR); Wellington, Léo Silva, Victor Simões, Thiaguinho(BOT)
Gols: Dentinho, aos 43min do primeiro tempo; Reinaldo aos 2min, Marcinho, aos 6min, André Lima aos 15min, Dentinho aos 26min, Lucio Flavio, aos 34min do segundo tempo
Julio Cesar; Jucilei, Paulo André, Jean e Marcinho (Diego); Moradei (Bill), Elias e Morais; Jorge Henrique, Henrique (Souza) e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Castillo; Alessandro, Wellington, Juninho e Michael (Thiaguinho); Leandro Guerreiro, Léo Silva (Reinaldo), Fahel e Lúcio Flávio; Victor Simões e André Lima (Renato)
Técnico: Estevam Soares
The Myth of 100% IT Efficiency
The Myth of 100% IT Efficiency
—Idle resources will always need to exist, especially in a cloud architecture
With IT focused on efficiency – for reduction in operating expenses and in the interests of creating a greener computing center – there’s a
danger that we’ll attempt to achieve 100% efficiency. You know, the data center in which no compute resources are wasted; all are applied toward performing some task – whether administrative, revenue generating, development cycles, or business-related – and no machine is allowed to sit around idle.
Because, after all, idleness is the devil’s playground, isn’t it?
But before we decide to technically exorcise our data center of any idleness that might be laying around, consider the ramifications: if there’s no idle resources, how are you going to scale out?
Yeah, exactly. Without idle resources you can’t automatically scale out. In fact, a cloud computing model doesn’t work unless there are resources available (idle) that can be applied at any moment to an application in need of scaling out.
What’s necessary in a cloud computing model is to be allocate idle resources in the most efficient way possible. That sounds paradoxical, but it
actually isn’t. Let’s say that you’re running near 100% efficiency now but recognize that just in case you’d better have some idle resources available.
You can:
- Take advantage of cloud bursting or cloud balancing, using external cloud providers as “overdraft protection.”
Cloud bursting enables an organization to scale out on-demand into the cloud, only when necessary. This keeps its own efficiency as high as possible but provides for availability just in case. Cloud balancing assumes the resources are always available and uses advanced global application delivery (load balancing) techniques to balance the distribution of requests between all available data centers, whether local or in the cloud.- Invest in additional servers to ensure you have extra resources available in case you need them.
There’s something to be said for “being prepared” and the easiest way to do that is to slap a few more servers (or blades, whatever) into the data center just in case. This may decrease your “efficiency rating”, if you have one, but it’s easy enough to counter by asking whether that service level agreement should actually be considered important or can you use it to wrap up your leftover lunch tomorrow. Mentioning SLAs generally gets attention, especially if you imply you might not meet it unless something is done.- Invest in an application delivery solution – or take advantage of one you already have – to improve the efficiency of the servers and applications such that you free up idle resources on existing servers
This is the one everyone overlooks, but it’s probably the best solution in terms of long-term ability to balance efficiency with scalability. That’s because it allows you to improve the efficiency of servers and applications, which means you can achieve higher VM densities or just have “idle” resources sitting around that can be used in the event you need to scale out. It’s the best long term solution because it’s likely if you’re scaling applications you already have a load balancing solution (and need it) and if you’re lucky it’ll be one of the ones that can be extended through modules without disruption to existing infrastructure/applications.- Move every thing to a cloud provider
I know, it’s probably not feasible, but for those organizations for which it is, this actually makes a lot of sense. Moving all applications and IT operations to a cloud provider would certainly ensure scalability and idle resources because well, that’s what they promise. The thing to consider here is cost and where the line between your budget and scale stops. Infinite scalability is a fallacy – you can only scale as far as your budget will allow.- Change the math
Seriously, find a mathematician and have them derive a formula that incorporates the need for idle resources into the overall efficiency equation. If folks can prove 1=0 then you can find someone to come up with a formula that balances the two and still comes up with a 100% efficiency rating.- Ignore the problem and hope that “just in case” doesn’t happen. Make a note to sacrifice a live chicken next week as insurance.
Do nothing is always a solution. It may not be a good one, or the right one, or the one that ensures you have a job next week, but it is a solution.
If you aren’t running at or near 100% efficiency now, keep on top of that. Consider how you’re going to balance the need for idle resources as efficiency (i.e. utilization) continues to increase and do something about it sooner rather than later. Plan a strategy that will maintain performance and capacity while ensuring you have the resources available – regardless of where they might be located – to scale out.
If you haven’t started a virtualization and or cloud computing initiative then you should carefully consider what technology will not only enable you to move toward that goal, but that will assist in providing the best balance of idle resources with high efficiency as you move forward.
Technorati Tags: MacVittie,F5,efficiency,cloud,cloud computing,virtualization,vm density,application delivery,offload,performance,capacity,scalability,web,internet,blogRelated blogs & articles:
- How do you get the benefits of shared resources in a private cloud?
- What is server offload and why do I need it?
- Cloud Balancing, Cloud Bursting, and Intercloud
- To Boldly Go Where No Production Application Has Gone Before
- Building a Cloudbursting Capable Infrastructure
- Scalability Only One Half the Reliability Equation
Hoje é Feriado! É Dia da Saudade! 21/08/2009
Tome uma dose de whisky e relembre!
Raul Seixas
Internacional 1 x 2 Corinthians
Lauro; Danilo Silva, Bolívar, Sorondo e Marcelo Cordeiro; Guiñazu, Sandro, Giuliano e Andrezinho; Bolaños (Marquinhos) e Alecsandro
Técnico: Tite
Rafael Santos; Jucilei, Chicão, Jean e Marcinho (Paulo André); Moradei, Elias e Morais (Jadson); Jorge Henrique, Henrique (Bill) e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 19/08/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: estádio Beira-Rio, em Porto Alegre (RS)
Árbitro: Wagner Tardelli (SC)
Auxiliares: Hilton Moutinho Rodrigues (Fifa-RJ) e Dibert Pedrosa (Fifa-RJ)
Cartões amarelos: Bolaños, Marcelo Cordeiro, Bolívar (INT); Jucilei, Jorge Henrique, Dentinho, Paulo André (COR)
Gols: Jean, aos 10min, e Alecsandro, aos 34min do primeiro tempo; Jorge Henrique, aos 42min do segundo tempo
Raul Seixas - Aos Trancos e Barrancos
Raul Seixas - Tente Outra vez
Putting the Cloud Before the Horse
Putting the Cloud Before the Horse
—Without processes the cloud is not a cloud
So you’ve virtualized your application infrastructure using VMware or Microsoft or the “virtualization solution de jour.” You probably also virtualized the application access via an application delivery solution so you can provide scalability on-demand. You might have even virtualized your storage to make it more efficient.
Basically, you’re all ready to go and operators are standing by …
And therein lies the problem: operators are standing by. The on-demand piece of your little private cloud is almost entirely managed by human beings, which means you aren’t getting nearly the efficiencies you could be getting if you’d taken the next step: automation.
If the processes you follow for provisioning and de-provisioning of resources (applications) aren’t automated then you really haven’t built a cloud, you’ve likely just virtualized your architecture. That’s not a bad thing; there are plenty of benefits of virtualization alone to make it worth the effort. But you haven’t built a cloud until you’ve gone through the effort of automating as much of the processes related to scalability and availability and application delivery in general as you can.When you’re building your own private, personal cloud you aren’t getting as many of the benefits as you would from utilizing an external, shared cloud. That’s because you are still responsible for operations; you’re still managing, upgrading, patching, and maintaining all the
servers – physical and virtual – that make up your enterprise infrastructure. The benefits you’ve seen come from your efforts derive primarily from consolidation and software-oriented maintenance and management. And those benefits aren’t nearly as great as people think. Research and analyst firm IDC notes that not only are the number of virtual machines per physical server increasing, but so is the ratio of responsibility to administrators: 25:1 for physical servers but 35:1 for virtual servers. (Datacenter of the Future, March 2009) If you want to take it to the next level, you’re going to have to automate processes because that’s where real operational benefits will be realized in a private cloud implementation.
On-demand scalability should be just that: on-demand. And on-demand implies, at least, an autonomic response. That automatic response to conditions within and without the data center requires automation of some kind, whether it’s a packaged management application or home-grown scripts or custom-developed solutions built using the integration capabilities of all the disparate components that make up the architecture.
Without that automation what do you have? A bunch of servers running applications. That those applications are virtualized is really irrelevant to the architecture because you haven’t done anything but changed which physical server they’re being deployed on. Without the ability for the infrastructure to make decisions based on actionable data that’s shared between the components, you really don’t have anything all that much different than you did before.
A recent survey of IT executives indicates a growing interest in private cloud computing, citing benefits we’re all pretty familiar with at this point:
The survey also cited that IT executives are positive about the benefits of the technology, with most (41%) citing 'improving efficiency' as the biggest motivation for establishing a private cloud. This was followed by 'resource scalability' (18%), 'cutting costs; (17%), 'experimenting with cloud computing' (15%) and 'improving IT responsiveness' (9%).
With the number of virtual servers a given administrator is responsible for increasing, and the need for operators/administrators to manually provide the “on-demand” piece of scalability, it seems obvious that it would be difficult to realize the “efficiency” and “cutting costs” benefits that so many executives cite as the reason for moving forward with private cloud computing in the first place.
Virtualization is probably the first step in moving toward a private cloud implementation, but it’s certainly not the last stop. You need some way to automate scalability and management of application availability and performance, and virtualizing those applications is certainly one way – some might argue the best way – to do that. But you can’t stop there. You need to continue on and take advantage of what that virtualization provides: the means to automate many of the mundane, tedious tasks that is currently chewing up administrators and operators time. Time that could be spent innovating or handling other tasks that provide even more value to both IT and the business it supports.
It is the automation of processes that achieve on-demand scalability and resource efficiency and migration that makes a cloud a cloud. It’s that level of automation and efficiency that makes external cloud offerings appealing – providers have already figured it out and implemented the automation that makes their cloud “cloud”. Without process automation you’re just doing more of what you’ve always done: manually manage resources. The cloud requires collaboration, and collaboration comes through integration of all the moving parts that make up the infrastructure.
Going to VMworld? Interested in seeing automation of the DATA CENTER like you’ve never seen before? Make sure to visit F5 @ VMworld to see just how far a dynamic infrastructure can TAKE YOUR VIRTUALIZED ARCHITECTURE.
You can follow F5 on Twitter for details - we’ll make sure you know where to be when it happens.
Technorati Tags: MacVittie,F5,virtualization,cloud,cloud computing,dynamic infrastructure,automation,processes,private cloud computing,efficiency,scalability,arhcitecture,infrastructure,web,internet,blogRelated blogs & articles:
- HPC Survey: Over a Quarter of IT Execs Plan to Introduce Private Clouds in 2009
- Cloud Computing: Achieving full interconnectedness
- And the Killer App for Private Cloud Computing Is…
- Cloud Strategy: Apathy or Architecture?
- Why can't clouds be inside (the data center)?
- Cloud Computing: Location is important, but not the way you think
- The Context-Aware Cloud
- Cloud Computing: It's the destination, not the journey that is important
- The Three "Itys" of Cloud Computing
Raul Seixas - O Dia em que a Terra Parou
Corinthians 2 x 0 Atlético/MG
Felipe; Chicão, William (Jean) e Diego; Jucilei, Edu (Moradei), Elias, Boquita (Marcinho) e Jorge Henrique; Dentinho e Henrique
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Bruno (Édson); Werley, Alex Bruno e Thiago Cardoso; Marcos Rocha, Renan, Tchô (Marcos), Júnior (Rafael Jataí) e Thiago Feltri; Éder Luís e Diego Tardelli
Técnico: Celso Roth
Data: 16/08/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Leandro Pedro Vuaden (Fifa-RS)
Auxiliares: Marcelo Bertanha Barison (RS) e Paulo Ricardo Conceição (RS)
Público: 19.773 pagantes (total de 21.947)
Renda: R$ 602.707,00
Cartões amarelos: Diego (COR); Tchô, Alex Bruno, Marcos Rocha, Diego Tardelli (ATL)
Cartão vermelho: Renan (ATL)
Gols: Dentinho, aos 26min do primeiro tempo; Boquita, aos 5min do segundo tempo
UOL Celular
Raul Seixas - Esse é o caminho!
Raul Seixas - Judas
Raul Seixas - 21/08/1989
What Is Service Orientation?
What Is Service Orientation?
— Businesses tend to focus their architecture on efficiency instead of agility. This clear distinction between optimising for the known versus optimising for the unknown inherently counteracts on businesses in their effort to seize any of the new opportunities that arises around them.
This article emphasises the importance of architecting enterprise wide systems with quality capabilities and a service orientation that more properly reflects business agility and enables new opportunities to create much more focused, efficient, and adaptable organisational structures.
Flamengo 1 x 0 Corinthians
Bruno, Welinton (David), Aírton e Ronaldo Angelim; Léo Moura, Willians, Kleberson, Petkovic (Zé Roberto) e Everton (Fierro); Emerson (Camacho) e Adriano.
Felipe; Diogo (Marcelinho), Chicão, William e Bruno Bertucci; Moradei (Boquita), Jucilei, Elias e Edu, Dentinho (Henrique) e Bill.
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 9/8/2009 (domingo)
Local: Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Árbitro: Evandro Rogerio Roman (Fifa-PR)
Auxiliares: Altemir Hausmann (RS) e Marco Antonio Martins (SC)
Cartões amarelos: David, Zé Roberto, Leonardo Moura e Petkovic (Flamengo)
Gols: Adriano, aos 12 minutos do segundo tempo
SoapUI for Web Service Testing
SoapUI for Web Service Testing
— A popular tool for web service testing is SoapUI. The following blog post describes how to use it for testing a simple web service, as well as setting up a series of tests and even load/stress testing. Without a doubt similar documentation is available on the SoapUI website; my post gives my spin on the product that maybe useful to others.
Momento Histórico
Hoje 07 de Agosto 2009, será fácil visualizar em relógios digitais ou computadores.
As 12:34:56 do dia 07/08/09 teremos essa sequência sensacional.
123456789...huahauahua ...é cada uma...falta do que fazer incrível!
mas é a mais pura verdade.
Woodstock - 40 Anos
Náutico 1 x 0 Corinthians
Gledson; Cláudio Luís, Asprilla e Nilson; Patrick, Derley, Anderson Santana, Juliano (Douglas Maia) e Michel; Carlinhos Bala (Ailton) e Gilmar (Márcio Barros)
Técnico: Geninho
Felipe; Alessandro, Chicão, William e Bruno Bertucci; Jucilei, Edu (Boquita) e Elias; Jorge Henrique (Souza) (Marcelinho), Bill e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 05/08/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: estádio dos Aflitos, em Recife (PE)
Árbitro: Arilson Bispo da Anunciação (BA)
Auxiliares: Alessandro Rocha de Matos (Fifa-BA) e Luiz Carlos Teixeira (BA)
Cartões amarelos: Juliano, Cláudio Luís, Nilson, Derley (NAU); Chicão, Jorge Henrique, William, Bill, Bruno Bertucci, Jucilei (COR)
Gol: Gilmar, aos 42min do primeiro tempo
Avoid Getting Lost on the (Enterprise Service) Bus
Avoid Getting Lost on the (Enterprise Service) Bus
— While purchasing an ESB too early in a SOA project does substantially increase your risk of failure, all is not lost. After all, you're not alone; this mistake is one of the most prevalent SOA snafus in IT shops around the world today, and not all of those projects end up as failures. Many of today's ESBs are now mature products, and can be an important part of a fully functional SOA implementation. Understanding the risks that buying an ESB too early in a SOA initiative presents, and dealing with those risks proactively, can turn a bad situation around and get your SOA initiative back on the right track.
Blues Jam Session
Corinthians 0 x 0 Avaí
Não vamos mais chover no molhado. O time está indo mal, aliás muito mal. Enquanto não começarem a vir os reforços e principalmente reforços de qualidade, não vamos ganhar nada. Realmente queremos ganhar a Libertadores????
1min - Jorge Henrique levanta a bola da direita e Souza, sozinho, cabeceia sobre o travessão. Boa chance perdida.
5min - Jucilei faz bela jogada individual, arranca pelo meio e tabela com Bill. No chute, porém, ele pega fraco na bola e Martini defende.
9min - Souza domina na área e chuta cruzado. No rebote, Bill completa para o gol e Eduardo Martini salva com difícil defesa.
21min - William consegue tabela na entrada da área e toca na saída de Felipe. A bola sai rente à trave esquerda, protegida por Chicão.
24min - Bill é lançado pelo meio, ganha da marcação e toca por cobertura. A bola, porém, bate no travessão e sai.
31min - Luiz Ricardo ajeita de cabeça para o meio da área. William tenta um voleio e assusta Felipe. A bola passa perto da trave.
21min - No terceiro escanteio seguido, o Avaí assusta Felipe com cruzamento fechado. A defesa consegue afastar o perigo.
30min - Roberto recebe pela esquerda, dentro da área, e finaliza com força. Felipe salta no canto direito e salva o Corinthians.
33min - Marcelinho faz o corte na área, mas o chute explode na defesa. Na sequência, Elias invade a pequena área e bate, mas Eduardo Martini faz grande defesa.
34min - Marcelinho pega sobra na área, encara a marcação e chuta rasteiro para nova defesa de Martini.
35min - Souza cabeceia no canto esquerdo e vê Martini brilhar novamente.
Felipe; Alessandro, Chicão, William e Marcinho (Bruno Bertucci); Jucilei, Elias e Boquita (Diogo); Jorge Henrique (Marcelinho), Souza e Bill
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Eduardo Martini; Émerson, Augusto e Rafael; Luiz Ricardo, Marcus Winícius, Fernando Bob (Wendel), Marquinhos (Xaves) e Eltinho; Caio e William (Roberto)
Técnico: Silas
Data: 02/08/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Ricardo Marques Ribeiro (Fifa-MG)
Auxiliares: Marcio Eustáquio Santigo (Fifa-MG) e Paulo César Faria (MT)
Público: 13.686 pagantes (total de 15.490)
Renda: R$ 433.259,00
Cartões amarelos: Fernando Bob, Rafael (AVA)