The Busy Executive’s Quick Cloud Computing Reference Guide
— As an executive, you may be hearing many different viewpoints about Cloud Computing; some of them promising significant IT cost reductions and reductions in capital expenditures. Don't get caught off guard regarding all the technical complexities of developing and offering Cloud Computing services, the whole reason you're considering this option is so others will take care of these factors for you. Although you still need to be an educated consumer, you don't need to be in the weeds to ensure you're not caught with your pants around your ankles if you decide to use Cloud Computing services.
The Busy Executive’s Quick Cloud Computing Reference Guide
Concurso Petrobrás
3.8 - Não serão aceitos cursos de Tecnólogo ou Licenciatura, com exceção do cargo Analista Ambiental Júnior - Biologia, onde é aceita, também, a formação em Licenciatura Plena.
Simplesmente um absurdo, uma vez que o Governo Brasileiro apoia e investe nos cursos de tecnologia. Ou será que apenas investe pra vender tais cursos? Há um tempo atrás fui tema de matéria do G1 sobre esta falta de respeito. Obviamente nada foi feito e outro concurso foi aberto, com a descriminação clara dos tecnólogos. A ANT deveria entrar com uma ação civil pública para que o concurso fosse cancelado até que se mude este edital.
Edital na íntegra
Natal 2009
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
The Ten Commandments for Achieving Excellence in Business and Life
The Ten Commandments for Achieving Excellence in Business and Life
I. Build Your Self Esteem –Successful people know that, building their mind, exercising their body, growing their skills and intellect provides them with layers of protection against failure in life, relationships and business. They are more confident, more hopeful and people are drawn to them by this healthy dose of self esteem.
II. Set demanding Goals – A muscle doesn’t grow without resistance. Successful individuals realize that to grow financially, spiritually or personally they need to challenge themselves with demanding goals.
III. Always be Positive– You never hear people say,” I love being around that guy because everything that comes out of his mouth is negative, critical or of defeat. On the other hand, people are drawn to those who are positive, hopeful, and optimistic. A positive person serves as a light at the end of the tunnel while a negative person is the train – without a light!
IV. Establish Good Habits – Habits first begin as cobwebs then they become chains. Individuals who establish a regimen that combines a strong work ethic and desire to always be growing with superb organizational and service to others skills will always, win in the long term. More importantly, they will enjoy the journey more than those who never take the time to establish these vital habits.
V. Master the Art of Communication -Too often individuals believe that, they are good communicators because they have a good command of the English language. That is like saying bullfighting has something to do with agriculture. Having the microphone in your hand, or the control of the PowerPoint presentation does not mean that you are a good communicator. The greatest communicators know, the key to being a Master Communicator is being able to connect with their audience (I.E. Ronald Reagan, Zig Ziglar, Joel Osteen, Julia Roberts, etc.) not how verbose they are.
VI. Learn From Good Role Models – Regardless of your age, position or stage in life, you should always be looking for Role Models that can help you to grow in all areas of your life. Too often, individuals stop looking for role models after they have either become successful or they have experienced a series of setbacks or defeats. This is precisely when; one should search out a role model/coach/mentor. Successful individuals will have many role models in their life and career. One final note, make sure your role models do things the right way, at the right time for the right reasons, always.
VII. Thrive On Pressure – Successful people understand the following, better than those who aren’t successful; the pressure of competition should never exceed the pleasure of competition! Think, Michael Jordon, Tom Brady, Mary Lou Retton or Mia Hamm the next time you feel the pressure to perform. Then take a breath, smile and gear up for the task. Don’t think in terms of how to survive but rather how to thrive!
VIII. Be Ferociously Persistent – Successful people know to finish first, they must first finish. They realize that a delay is not a denial and the word, NO - is many times the first positive sign that serious negotiations have finally begun! They know too, that to move a mountain, they sometimes will be required to, move it one stone at a time.
IX. Learn From Adversity – The good thing about being knocked to the ground on your back is, it forces you to look up! The common trait of a championship MMA fighter, tennis champion, super bowl MVP or a successful businessperson is their ability to overcome a loss or a setback and then turn their setbacks (losing a match, a game or a business deal) into a comeback! They learn from their losses and apply what they’ve learned to increase their chances of winning the next time!
X. Survive Your Own Success – Truly successful and balanced people know there is fine line between hero and idiot, success and failure, and they strive to maintain an even keel. In other words, they don’t take themselves too seriously. They recognize the word Ego stands for, Edging God Out (Les Brown) or Edging Greatness Out. They are visionaries’ who view the future with a telescope not a microscope and therefore, they are always looking for ways to improve themselves, their product or their organization.
Carini; Coelho (Sheslon), Werley, Benítez e Júnior; Jonílson, Márcio Araújo, Correa e Evandro (Renan Oliveira); Éder Luís (Alessandro) e Diego Tardelli
Técnico: Celso Roth
Júlio César; Balbuena, Marcelo Mattos, Renato e Dodô; Jucilei, Boquita, Elias e Matías Defederico (Jadson); Jorge Henrique (Marcelinho) e Souza (Bill)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 5/12/2009 (sábado)
Local: Estádio Mineirão, em Belo Horizonte (MG)
Árbitro: Wagner Tardelli Azevedo (SC)
Assistentes: Marco Antonio Martins e Alcides Zawaski Pazetto (ambos de SC)
Público: 5.769
Renda: R$ 78.206,00
Cartões amarelos: Benitez (A); Marcelo Mattos (C), Souza (C)
Gols: Souza, aos 17min e aos 42min do primeiro tempo; Bill (C), aos 45min do segundo tempo
E mais: que papo é esse de hexa...o Flamengo vai ser é penta! Se vencer, claro! O que vale é o site da CBF e lá o campeão brasileiro de 1987 é o Sport Recife.
Felipe; Jucilei, Chicão, Paulo André e Escudero (Dodô); Elias, Boquita, Edu (Moradei, aos 3min do 1ºT) e Defederico; Jorge Henrique e Ronaldo (Souza, aos 25min do 1ºT).
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Bruno; Léo Moura, Ronaldo Angelim, Álvaro e Juan; Williams, Airton, Toró e Petkovic (Fierro); Zé Roberto e Bruno Mezenga (Denis Marques).
Técnico: Andrade
Data: 29/11/2009 (domingo)
Local: Brinco de Ouro da Princesa, em Campinas (SP)
Árbitro: Evandro Rogério Roman (PR)
Auxiliares: Alessandro Rocha Matos (BA) e Altemir Hausmann (RS)
Cartões amarelos: Álvaro, Toró e Petkovic (FLA), Moradei, Souza, Chicão, Elias, Escudero e Dodô (COR)
Expulsos: Mano Menezes e Chicão (COR)
Gol: Zé Roberto, aos 26min do primeiro tempo, e Léo Moura, aos 48min do segundo.
Showcasing the Key Design Principles of SOA
Showcasing the Key Design Principles of SOA
— WS-BPEL 2.0 is the dominant specification to standardize orchestration logic and process automation between Web services. The BPEL model is used to assemble a set of discrete, essentially disparate, services into an end-to-end process flow to transform the existing stateless and uncorrelated Web service infrastructure into cohesive, process-centric applications based on a service-oriented architecture. Under this model, new applications are developed “on-the-fly” by wiring together external “partner” services that leverage existing enterprise assets.
Rafael Santos; Diego, Paulo André e Escudero; Marcelinho (Dodô), Edu (Souza), Elias, Boquita e Jorge Henrique; Edno (Jadson) e Ronaldo.
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Glédson; Patrick, Márcio, Asprilla (Michel) e Anderson (Anderson Lessa); Rudnei, Nilson, Aílton e Juliano (Wagner); Carlinhos Bala e Bruno Mineiro.
Técnico: Geninho
Data: 21/11/2009 (sábado)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Alicio Pena Júnior (MG)
Auxiliares: Celso Luis da Silva e Marcos Vinícius Gomes (ambos de MG)
Cartões amarelos: Aílton e Juliano (NAU), Ronaldo, Diego e Escudero (COR)
Cartões vermelho: Bruno Mineiro (NAU)
Gols: Bruno Mineiro, aos 39 min do primeiro tempo; Ronaldo, aos 4 minutos do segundo tempo, Elias, aos 25min do segundo tempo; Carlinhos Bala, aos 40 min do segundo tempo; Aílton, aos 47 min do segundo tempo
Eduardo Martini; Rafael, Augusto e Emerson; Luís Ricardo, Ferdinando, Léo Gago, Marquinhos, Caio (Muriqui) e Eltinho (Uendel); William (Cristian)
Técnico: Silas
Felipe; Balbuena, Chicão, Paulo André e Diego (Dodô); Edu, Elias, Boquita e Defederico (Edno); Dentinho (Bill) e Ronaldo
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 15/11/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio da Ressacada, em Florianópolis (SC)
Árbitro: Francisco de Assis Almeida Filho (CE)
Auxiliares: Manuel Márcio Bezerra Torres e Thiago Gomes Brigido (ambos do CE)
Cartões amarelos: Emerson, William, Ferdinando (AVA); Elias, Defederico, Paulo André (COR)
Cartão vermelho: Balbuena (COR)
Gols: William, aos 13min, Marquinhos (contra) aos 15min, William, aos 28min do primeiro tempo; Léo Gago, aos 24min do segundo tempo
The Four Stages of SOA Governance
The Four Stages of SOA Governance
— For several years now, ZapThink has spoken about SOA Governance "in the narrow" vs. SOA governance "in the broad." SOA governance in the narrow refers to governance of the SOA initiative, and focuses primarily on the Service lifecycle. When vendors try to sell you SOA governance gear, they're typically talking about SOA governance in the narrow. SOA governance in the broad, in contrast, refers to IT governance in the SOA context. In other words, how will SOA help with IT governance (and by extension, corporate governance) once your SOA initiative is up and running?
ISO Forms Group for Cloud Computing Standards
ISO Forms Group for Cloud Computing Standards
— Big news on the Cloud Standards front, I was just informed that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - JTC 1 have formed a new Subcommittee (SC) at their Plenary last week that includes working groups for SOA and Web Services as well as a Study Group for standardization of cloud computing. (This information has not yet been made public, my source has indicated that I am allowed to share this)
The scope will include Standardization for interoperable Distributed Application Platform and services including Web Services, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and Cloud Computing. SC 38 will pursue active liaison and collaboration with all appropriate bodies (including other JTC 1 subgroups and external organizations, e.g., consortia) to ensure the development and deployment of interoperable distributed application platform and services standards in relevant areas.
Similar to other ISO initiatives each member country that’s interested in participating in this group will come up with their own structure to provide feedback on work items and establish voting positions, including the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) who will be the US TAG.
Administrative support and leadership of SC 38 will be provided as follows:
The US National Body will serve as Secretariat for the SC and its Working Groups, and Dr. Donald R. Deutsch from the US National Body will serve as the Chair for the SC. The National Body of China will provide Ms. Yuan Yuan as the Convenor of the Working Group on SOA. The US National Body will provide the Convenor of the Working Group on Web Services. The National Body of Korea will provide Dr. Seungyun LEE as the Convenor of the Study Group on Cloud Computing. The National Body of China will provide Mr. Ping ZHOU as the Secretary of the Study Group on Cloud Computing.
I’ve pasted the complete resolution in detail below.Resolution 36 ‐ New JTC 1 Subcommittee 38 on Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS)
JTC 1 establishes a new JTC 1 Subcommittee 38 on Distributed Application Platforms and Services
(DAPS) with the following terms of reference:
Title: Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS)
Scope: Standardization for interoperable Distributed Application Platform and services including:
• Web Services,
• Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and
• Cloud Computing.
SC 38 will pursue active liaison and collaboration with all appropriate bodies (including other JTC 1 subgroups and external organizations, e.g., consortia) to ensure the development and deployment of interoperable distributed application platform and services standards in relevant areas.
As per the JTC 1 Directives, SC 38 will establish its own substructure at its first meeting. Based on discussions at the JTC 1 Plenary, it is anticipated that SC 38 will initially establish subgroups as follows:
a. A Working Group on Web Services
o Draft Terms of Reference:
i. Enhancements and maintenance of the Web Services registry (inventory database of Web Services and SOA Standards).
ii. Ongoing maintenance of previously approved standards from WS‐I PAS submissions, ISO/IEC 29361, ISO/IEC 29362 and ISO/IEC 29363.
iii. Maintenance of possible future PAS and Fast Track developed ISO/IEC standards in the area of Web Services.
iv. Investigation of where web service related standardization is already ongoing in JTC 1 entities.
v. Investigate gaps and commonalities in work in “iv” above.
b. A Working Group on SOA
o Draft Terms of Reference:
i. Enumeration of SOA principles.
ii. Coordination of SOA related activities in JTC 1.
iii. Investigation of where SOA related standardization is already ongoing in JTC 1 entities, and
iv. Investigate gaps and commonalities in work in “iii” above
c. A Study Group on Cloud Computing (SGCC) to investigate market requirements for standardization, initiate dialogues with relevant SDOs and consortia and to identify possible work items for JTC 1.
o Draft Terms of Reference:
i. Provide a taxonomy, terminology and value proposition for Cloud Computing.
ii. Assess the current state of standardization in Cloud Computing within JTC 1 and in other SDOs and consortia beginning with document JTC 1 N 9687.
iii. Document standardization market/business/user requirements and the challenges to be addressed.
iv. Liaise and collaborate with relevant SDOs and consortia related to Cloud Computing.
v. Hold workshops to gather requirements as needed.
vi. Provide a report of activities and recommendations to SC 38.
Topics related to Energy Efficiency of Data Centers are excluded. On topics of common interest (such as virtualization), coordination with the EEDC SGis required.
Membership in the Study Group will be open to:
1. National Bodies, Liaisons, and JTC 1 approved PAS submitters
2. JTC 1 SCs and relevant ISO and IEC TCs
3. Members of ISO and IEC central offices, and
4. Invited SDOs and consortia that are engaged in standardization in Cloud Computing, as approved by the SG
In addition, the Convenor may invite experts with specific expertise in the field.
Meetings of the group may be via face‐to‐face or preferably by electronic means.
The SC 38 Secretariat will issue a call for participants for the Study Group.
The SGCC Convenor is instructed to provide a report on the activities of the
Study Group at the SC 38 2010 Plenary meeting.
Administrative support and leadership of SC 38 will be provided as follows:
a. The US National Body will serve as Secretariat for the SC and its Working
Groups, and Dr. Donald R. Deutsch from the US National Body will serve as the Chair for the SC.
b. The National Body of China will provide Ms. Yuan Yuan as the Convenor of the Working Group on SOA.
c. The US National Body will provide the Convenor of the Working Group on Web Services.
d. The National Body of Korea will provide Dr. Seungyun LEE as the Convenor of the Study Group on Cloud Computing.
e. The National Body of China will provide Mr. Ping ZHOU as the Secretary of the Study Group on Cloud Computing.
Tags: cloud computing
Felipe; Jucilei, Chicão, Paulo André e Balbuena; Boquita, Edu (Diego), Edno (Dentinho) e Defederico (Moradei); Jorge Henrique e Ronaldo
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Santo André
Neneca; Rômulo, Cesinha, Marcel e Ávine; Fernando (Pablo Escobar), Júnior Dutra, Camilo (Osny) e Marcelinho Carioca; Wanderley (Ricardo Goulart) e Nunes
Técnico: Sérgio Soares
Data: 8/11/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Paulo César de Oliveira (Fifa-SP)
Auxiliares: Ednílson Corona (Fifa-SP) e Márcio Luiz Augusto (SP)
Público: 16.300 pagantes (total de 17.995)
Renda: R$ 543.611,50
Cartões amarelos: Jorge Henrique (COR); Cesinha, Júnior Dutra (SAN)
Gols: Ronaldo, aos 36min do primeiro tempo; Dentinho, aos 31min do segundo tempo
Marcos; Danilo, Maurício e Marcão (Marquinhos); Figueroa, Jumar, Souza (Ortigoza), Diego Souza e Armero; Obina (Bruno) e Vagner Love
Técnico: Muricy Ramalho
Felipe; Jucilei, Chicão, William e Balbuena (Dentinho); Boquita, Elias, Edu e Defederico (Edno); Jorge Henrique (Souza) e Ronaldo
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 01/11/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio Eduardo José Farah, em Presidente Prudente (SP)
Árbitro: Heber Roberto Lopes (Fifa-PR)
Auxiliares: Emerson Augusto de Carvalho (Fifa-SP) e Vicente Romano Neto (SP)
Cartões amarelos: Diego Souza, Jumar, Danilo, Vagner Love, Ortigoza (PAL); Chicão, Elias, Edno (COR)
Cartão vermelho: Marcos (PAL)
Gols: Ronaldo, aos 39min do primeiro tempo; Danilo, aos 6min, Ronaldo, aos 20min, e Maurício, aos 39min do segundo tempo
Key Capabilities of Next-Generation Project Managers
By Meridith Levinson
October 21, 2009 07:15 PM ET
CIO - Project managers might just have the toughest job in IT, responsible as they are for ensuring that high-stakes IT projects are completed on time and on budget. According to a new report from Forrester Research, the project manager's role is getting even more demanding and difficult to fill.
It's no longer enough for project managers to possess good people skills and to be fluent in project management best practices, tools and methodologies. To succeed--and get hired--today, project managers need enhanced leadership skills; they need to be flexible and focused on business value; and they increasingly need to be familiar with Agile software development methodologies, writes Forrester Analyst Mary Gerush in Define, Hire and Develop Your Next Generation Project Managers. A former IT project manager herself, Gerush and colleagues interviewed IT professionals and project management experts from a variety of organizations, including Chevron, Microsoft and LiquidPlanner, for the report.
Dynamic SOA and BPM
Abstract: After several years of companies industry-wide combining Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Business Process Management (BPM), the results are mixed. Some companies have had substantial benefits moving to SOA, while others have had average results. All these companies used the appropriate technologies, such as Web Services and Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) for processes, so the outcome should, in theory, be more predictable. It is now a good time for companies to extract the best practices and learn from others' experiences. This article is an introduction to "Dynamic SOA and BPM", a book which provides an exhaustive exploration of the best practices for delivering dynamic business processes and business services in order to quickly absorb market condition changes.
by Marc Fiammante
Published: September 25, 2009 (SOA Magazine Issue XXXII: September 2009)
When SOA was initiated a few years ago, the simplified integration capabilities brought hopes of a simplified Business and IT landscape with reusable business components enabled by open technologies. There were however several reasons for not receiving the full business value of this services approach, including these essential ones:
• Business semantic tight coupling on a technical loose coupling: Many projects just used Web Services to implement a Client/Server approach. Any change in the server interfaces leads to client changes and high change costs.
• Business Processes reintroducing the tight coupling of flexible business services. Enterprises have implemented end-to-end processes such as order management in very large business processes, but then faced the lack of reusability of some sequences that could have been modularized and exposed as services.
• Rigid information models used to expose business services. In many cases services are only viewed as operations, forgetting that the business information structure that they carry will as well vary with the evolution of the business and lead to costly changes of services and processes.
Each of these experiences induced a deeper thinking process around what should be the essence of a business variable approach and how we could reach a true business/IT alignment with the expected shortened IT cycle enabling faster and cheaper business reactions.
Download PDF.
Information Management, BPM and Integration: Achieving Cost Efficiency in the Financial Sector
by Laurel Sanders
October 28, 2009, 12:01 PM — —
For financial institutions to be viable, they must be cost efficient. Even high-profile giants aren’t immune to closures, mergers, and takeovers if they neglect to control costs. Competition today is fierce; only the fittest survive.
If you read industry literature, you’ve noticed the plethora of information about streamlining and automation, from banking journals highlighting productivity tools to technologies that enhance credit unions’ member services, or the benefits of going paperless for tax preparers and accounting firms. Yet despite the focus on streamlining and automation, many financial institutions continue to overlook the fundamental barrier to cost efficiency: cumbersome access to the information they need. Why? Because they lack an integrated approach to the digital workplace.
Digital capture and storage make information easily retrievable and useful, but don’t necessarily enable enterprise-wide efficiency. Data housed in customer relationship management (CRM) software, accounting, human resources, and other applications has limited value if it’s not reused efficiently everywhere it’s needed. The solution? Instant, secure, central access to all of your digital content. A work management system that systematically drives work forward, drawing on your business systems for pertinent documents and information. Electronic document management (EDM) and business process management (BPM) do both and more, unleashing great power by connecting people with information and transforming both service and institutional performance.
Viáfara; Nino Paraíba, Wallace, Fábio Ferreira e Róbson (Anderson Martins); Vanderson, Uelliton, Ramon e Glaúcio; Elkeson (Neto Berola) e Leandrão (Roger)
Técnico: Vagner Mancini
Felipe; Alessandro, Chicão, William e Marcelo Oliveira (Balbuena); Jucilei, Edu (Boquita), Elias e Defederico (Dentinho); Jorge Henrique e Ronaldo
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 28/10/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: estádio Barradão, em Salvador (BA)
Árbitro: Márcio Chagas da Silva (RS)
Auxiliares: José Antonio Chaves Filho (RS) e Cleriston Clay Rios (SE)
Cartões amarelos: Fábio Ferreira, Nino Paraíba, Uelliton (VIT); Edu, Defederico, Elias, Boquita (COR)
Gol: Defederico, aos 22min do segundo tempo
A história mostra que a maioria dos times no ano do Centenário não foi bem. Vamos conseguir mudar essa história?
Data: 25/10/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Péricles Bassols Cortez (RJ)
Auxiliares: Hilton Moutinho Rodrigues (Fifa-RJ) e Ricardo de Almeida (RJ)
Público: 23.672 torcedores
Renda: R$ 705.591,50
Cartões amarelos: Edu, Felipe, Elias (COR); Gil, Fernandinho 2, Fabrício (CRU)
Cartão vermelho: Fernandinho
Gols: Gilberto, aos 40min do primeiro tempo;
Felipe; Alessandro, William, Chicão e Marcelo Oliveira; Jucilei (Edno), Edu (Boquita) e Elias; Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo e Dentinho (Defederico)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Fábio; Jonathan, Cláudio Caçapa, Gil e Diego Renan (Elicarlos); Fabrício, Henrique, Marquinhos Paraná e Gilberto (Leandro Lima); Thiago Ribeiro e Guerrón (Fernandinho)
Técnico: Adilson Batista
Ronaldo desabafa: "Ninguém está fazendo sua parte" - Não precisa desabafar! Precisa é fazer gols!!!
Magrão; Moacir, César, Durval e Dutra; Hamilton, Andrade, Fabiano (Zé Antonio) e Luciano Henrique; Arce (Fininho) e Wilson (Vandinho)
Técnico: Péricles Chamusca
Felipe; Balbuena, Chicão, William e Marcelo Oliveira (Henrique); Marcelo Mattos (Jadson), Jucilei, Elias e Edno (Defederico); Jorge Henrique e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 18/10/2009 (domingo)
Local: estádio da Ilha do Retiro, no Recife (PE)
Árbitro: Francisco Carlos Nascimento (AL)
Auxiliares: Otavio Correia Neto (AL) e Pedro Santos de Araújo (AL)
Público: 21.143 pessoas
Renda: R$ 130.865,00
Cartões amarelos: Andrade, Luciano Henrique, Moacir (SPO); Marcelo Oliveira, William (COR)
Gols: Arce, aos 36min do primeiro tempo; Wilson, aos 23min do segundo tempo
UOL Celular
Are Services Nouns or Verbs?
Are Services Nouns or Verbs?
— Should Services be nouns or verbs? It's possible to design Services either way, as Entity Services, which predictably represent business entities, or as Task Services, that represent specific actions that implement some step in a process, in other words, verbs. Which approach is better?
Felipe; Alessandro, Chicão, William e Marcelo Oliveira (Balbuena); Marcelo Mattos, Jucilei, Elias (Moradei); Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo e Dentinho (Defederico)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Marcelo Grohe, Thiego (Renato), Leo, Rever e Lúcio; Túlio, Adílson (Perea), Fabio Rochemback e Tcheco; Jonas (Herrera) e Maxi Lopez
Técnico: Paulo Autuori
Data: 10/10/2009 (sábado)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Nielson Nogueira Dias (PE)
Assistentes: Erich Bandeira/PE (Fifa /PE) e Jossemmar José Diniz Moutinho/PE
Público: 21.233 (19.410 pagantes)
Renda: R$ 655.243,50
Cartões amarelos: Túlio, Herrera e Adílson (Grêmio), Ronaldo e Alessandro (Corinthians)
Gols: Ronaldo (C) aos 11min e Elias (C) aos 33min do primeiro tempo; Rever (G) aos 24min do segundo tempo
The Role of the Business Analyst in an SOA World
The Role of the Business Analyst in an SOA World
— Those of us that are part of SOA-related projects where traditional business analysts (BA) are involved often find ourselves frustrated by the incongruence between the analyst’s approach to requirements gathering and the SOA design. The problem arises because SOA models functionality of a business across multiple boundaries, whereas the business analyst wants to focus on a user’s needs. One focus is tactical and the other is strategic. However, more than this key difference, certain aspects of the tactical requirements overlap with the strategic requirements; specifically with regard to service boundaries. Thus, important business rules that are relevant to the definition of a particular service are buried among hundreds of irrelevant (to the SOA goals) requirements and the SOA architect is forced to mine these requirements like a miner mining for gold.[...]
When a Guitar Plays the Blues
Superb! Impressive! Terrific!
Tríplice Coroa virou piada. Espero pelo menos que estejamos na Sulamericana ano que vem. Vencer a Libertadores e a Sulamericana calaria a boca de muita gente.
Rafael; Mariano, Gum, Luiz Alberto e Dieguinho (Roni); Diogo, Diguinho, Fábio Neves (Equi González) e Darío Conca; Alan e Adeílson (Tartá).
Técnico: Cuca
Felipe; Alessandro, William, Paulo André e Balbuena; Marcelo Mattos (Edu), Jucilei, Elias e Defederico (Souza); Jorge Henrique e Dentinho (Edno).
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 07/10/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Árbitro: Wilton Pereira Sampaio (DF)
Auxiliares: Ênio Ferreira de Carvalho (DF) e Marrubson Melo Freitas (DF)
Cartões amarelos: Diguinho e Mariano (Fluminense). Balbuena, Dentinho, Marcelo Mattos, Souza e Paulo André (Corinthians).
Gols: Alan, aos 3 minutos; e Dentinho, aos 23 minutos do primeiro tempo.
Why SOA Needs Cloud Computing - Part 1
Why SOA Needs Cloud Computing - Part 1
— It’s Thursday morning, you’re the CEO of a large, publicly traded company, and you just called your executives into the conference room for the exciting news. The board of directors has approved the acquisition of a key competitor, and you’re looking for a call-to-action to get everyone planning for the next steps.
Felipe; Alessandro, Renato, Paulo André e Marcinho (Souza); Marcelo Mattos (Jucilei), Elias e Edno (Defederico); Jorge Henrique, Ronaldo e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Galatto; Nei, Manoel, Rhodolfo (Chico) e Márcio Azevedo (Alex Sandro); Valencia, Rafael Miranda, Marcinho (Netinho) e Paulo Baier; Wesley e Wallyson.
Técnico: Antônio Lopes
Data: 3/10/2009 (sábado)
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: André Luiz de Freitas Castro (GO)
Assistentes: Fabrício Vilarinho da Silva e Jusmar Benedito Miranda de Paula (ambos de GO)
Público: 29.716
Renda: R$ 918.926,00
Cartões amarelos: Alessandro (C); Márcio Azevedo (A), Manoel (A), Nei (A), Alex Sandro (A)
Gols: Paulo Baier (A), aos 7min, Wallyson (A), aos 23min, Jucilei (C), aos 38min, Wesley (A), aos 48min do segundo tempo
Aula de Economia
Um viajante chega numa cidade e entra num pequeno hotel.
O mesmo saca duas notas de R$ 100,00, põe no balcão e pede para ver um quarto.
Enquanto o viajante inspeciona os quartos , o gerente do hotel sai correndo com as duas notas de R$ 100,00 e vai até o açougue pagar suas dívidas com o açougueiro.
Este pega as duas notas e vai até um criador de suínos a quem, coincidentemente, também deve R$ 200 e quita a dívida.
O criador, por sua vez, pega também as duas notas e corre ao veterinário para liquidar uma dívida de... R$ 200.
O veterinário, com a duas notas em mãos, vai até a zona quitar a dívida com uma prostituta. COINCIDENTEMENTE, a dívida era de R$ 200.
A prostituta sai com o dinheiro em direção ao hotel, lugar onde, às vezes, levava seus clientes e que ultimamente não havia pago pelas acomodações. Valor total da dívida: 200 reais. Ela avisa ao gerente que está pagando a conta e coloca as notas em cima do balcão.
Nesse momento, o gringo retorna dos quartos, pega as duas notas de volta, agradece e diz não ser o que esperava, saindo do hotel.
Ninguém ganhou nenhum vintém, porém agora toda a cidade vive sem dívidas e com o crédito restaurado, e começa a ver o futuro com confiança!
Bo Diddley & Ron Wood
Enjoy it!!!
Perdemos 5 pontos em dois jogos. Muita coisa. Pra mim encerrarram-se nossas chances da Tríplice Coroa.
Agora é ampliar a lista e manter as peças chave para a Libertadores. Essse título tem que vir e é obrigação sim, Sr. Andres Sanches. Tem que ganhar sim.
Data: domingo; 27/09/2009
Local: estádio do Morumbi, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Ricardo Marques Ribeiro (MG)
Auxiliares: Carlos Augusto Nogueira Junior e Emerson Augusto de Carvalho (SP)
Cartões amarelos: Defederico, Jorge Henrique, William (COR), Dagoberto, Richarlyson, Washington (dois) (SP)
Cartões vermelhos: Washington (SP)
Gols: Ronaldo, aos 20 minutos do primeiro tempo, Washington, aos 25 min segundo tempo
Bosco; Renato Silva, André Dias e Miranda; Jean, Richarlyson (Marlos), Hernanes, Jorge Wagner (Hugo) e Junior Cesar; Borges (Washington) e Dagoberto
Técnico: Ricardo Gomes
Felipe; Alessandro, William, Paulo André e Marcinho; Marcelo Mattos, Jucilei e Defederico (Moradei); Jorge Henrique (Souza), Dentinho e Ronaldo (Bill)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: domingo; 20/09/2009
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Marcelo de Lima Henrique (Fifa-RJ)
Auxiliares: Hilton Moutinho Rodrigues (Fifa-RJ) e Dibert Pedrosa Moisés (RJ)
Público: 35.748 torcedores
Renda: R$ 1.209.559,50
Cartões amarelos: Elias, Marcelo Mattos (COR); Leandro Euzébio, Fernando (GOI)
Gols: Iarley, aos 7min, Fernandão, aos 23min do primeiro tempo; Iarley, aos 5min, Dentinho, aos 28min, João Paulo, aos 34min do segundo tempo
Felipe; Balbuena, Chicão (Bill) e Diego; Alessandro, Marcelo Mattos, Jucilei, Elias e Marcelo Oliveira (Marcinho); Dentinho e Ronaldo
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Harlei; Ernando, Leandro Euzébio e João Paulo; Vítor, Fernando (Gomes), Everton, Léo Lima (Ramalho) e Júlio César (Zé Carlos); Fernandão e Iarley
Técnico: Hélio dos Anjos
Coritiba 1 x 1 Corinthians
Edson Bastos, Rodrigo Heffner (Márcio Gabriel), Cleiton, Dirceu e Renatinho; Jaílton (Bruno Batata), Leandro Donizeti, Pedro Ken e Marcelinho Paraíba; Thiago Gentil (Carlinhos Paraíba) e Ariel
Técnico: Ney Franco
Felipe; Balbuena, Chicão, Paulo André e Diego; Marcelo Mattos, Marcelo Oliveira (Bill), Elias e Jucilei (Moradei); Dentinho e Souza (Alessandro)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 16/09/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: estádio Couto Pereira, em Curitiba (PR)
Árbitro: Elmo Alves Resende Cunha (GO)
Auxiliares: Alessandro Rocha de Matos (Fifa-BA) e Marco Antonio Martins (SC)
Cartões amarelos: Cleiton, Renatinho, Marcelinho Paraíba, Jaílton (CTA), Jucilei, Paulo André (COR)
Gols: Jaílton, aos 27 min do primeiro tempo; Dentinho, aos 5 min do segundo tempo
Cloud Computing Best Practices
Cloud Computing Best Practices
—Some of the key things to think about when putting your application on the cloud are discussed below. Cloud computing is relatively new, and best practice is still being established. However we can learn from earlier technologies and concepts such as utility compute, SaaS, outsourcing and even internal enterprise centre management, as well as from experience with vendors such as Amazon and FlexiScale.
Licensing: If you are using the cloud for spikes or overspill make sure that the products you want to use in the cloud can be used in this way. Certain products restrict their licenses to be used from a cloud perspective. This is especially true of commercial Grid, HPC or DataGrid vendors.
Data transfer costs: When using a provider like Amazon with a detailed cost model, make sure that any data transfers are internal to the provider network rather than external. In the case of Amazon, internal traffic is free but you will be charged for any traffic over the external IP addresses.
Latency: If you have low latency requirements then the Cloud may not be the best environment to achieve this. If you are trying to run an ERP or some such system in the cloud then the latency may be good enough but if you are trying to run a binary or FX Exchange then of course the latency requirements are very different and more stringent. It is essential to make sure you understand the performance requirements of your application and have a clear understanding of what is deemed business critical.
One vendor who has focused on attacking low latency in the cloud is GigaSpaces and so if you require cloud low latency then these are one of the companies you should evaluate. Also for processing distributed data loads there is the map reduce pattern and Hadoop. These type of architectures eliminating the boundaries created by scale-out database based approaches.
State: Check whether your cloud infrastructure providers have persistence. When an application is brought down and then back up all local changes will be wiped and you start with a blank slate. This obviously has ramifications with instances that need to store user or application state. To combat this on their platform Amazon delivered EC2 persistent storage in which data can remain linked to a specific computing instance. You should ensure you understand the state limitations of any Cloud Computing platform that you work with.
Data Regulations: If you are storing data in the cloud you may be breaching data laws depending where your data is stored i.e. which country or continent. To combat this Amazon S3 now supports location constraints, which allow you to specify where in the world to store data for a bucket and provides a new API to retrieve the location constraint for an existing bucket. However if you are using another cloud provider you should check where your data is stored.
Dependencies: Be aware of dependencies of service providers. If service ‘y’ is dependant on ‘x’ then if you subscribe to service ‘y’ and service ‘x’ goes down you lose your service. Always check any dependencies when you are using a cloud service.
Standardisation: A major issue with current cloud computing platforms is that there is no standardisation of the APIs and platform technologies that underpin the services provided. Although this represents a lack of maturity you need to consider how locked in you are when considering a Cloud platform or migrating between cloud computing platforms will be very difficult if not impossible. This may not be an issue if your supplier is IBM and always likely to be IBM, but it will be an issue if you are just dipping your toe in the water and discover that other platforms are better suited to your needs.
Security: Lack of security or apparent lack of security is one of the perceived major drawbacks of working with Cloud platform and Cloud technology. When moving sensitive data about or storing it in public cloud it should be encrypted. And it is important to consider a secure ID mechanism for authentication and authorisation for services. As with normal enterprise infrastructures only open the ports needed and consider installing a host based intrusion detection systems such as OSSEC. The advantage of working with an enterprise Cloud provider, such as IBM or Sun is that many of these security optimisations are already taken care of. See our prior blog entry for securing n-tier and distributed applications on the cloud. Be sure to check out Amazon’s new VPC inititative as well as looking at VPN-Cubed by CohesiveFT if you have to tie together public Clouds with private applications, services or infrastructure. If you need to keep costs down and evaluate free then look at OpenVPN.
Compliance: Regulatory controls mean that certain applications may not be able to deployed in the Cloud. For example the US Patriot Act could have very serious consequences for non-US firms considering U.S. hosted cloud providers. Be aware that often cloud computing platforms are made up of components from a variety of vendors who may themselves provide computing in a variety of legal jurisdictions. Be very aware of the dependencies and ensure you factor this into any operational risk management assessment. See also my prior blog entry on this topic
Quality of service: You will need to ensure that the behaviour and effectiveness of the cloud application that you implement can be measured and tracked both to meet existing or new Service Level agreements. We have discussed previously some of the tools that come with this option built in (GigaSpaces) and other tools that provide functionality that enable you to use this with your Cloud Architecture (RightScale, Scalr etc). Achieving Quality of Service will encompass scaling, reliability, service fluidity, monitoring, management and system performance.
System hardening: Like all enterprise application infrastructures you need to harden the system so that it is secure, robust, and achieves the necessary functional requirements that you need. See my prior blog entry on system hardening for Amazon EC2.
Content adapted from my book “TheSavvyGuideTo HPC, Grid, DataGrid, Virtualisation and Cloud Computing” available on Amazon.
Career Changing
This way, from today, Bala's Blog will present blog posts related to Project Management (but not only).
And if I can give an advice to someone else, I say:
Don't be afraid. Go ahead! Believing yourself is the first and main step to do.
Corinthians 2 x 1 Santos
Felipe; Jucilei, Chicão, Paulo André e Balbuena; Moradei (Marcelo Oliveira), Elias e Boquita; Jorge Henrique, Dentinho (Henrique) e Souza (Bill)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Felipe; George Lucas, Fabão, Eli Sabiá e Léo, Emerson (Pará), Rodrigo Mancha, Róbson (Germano), Madson (Neymar) e Paulo Henrique; Kleber Pereira
Técnico: Vanderlei Luxemburgo
Data: 02/09/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Guilherme Cereta de Lima (SP)
Auxiliares: Nilson de Souza Monção (SP) e Giovani Cesar Canzian (SP)
Renda: R$ 821.268,00
Público:25.645 pagantes
Cartões amarelos: Emerson, Robson, Felipe, Fabão (SAN), Boquita (COR)
Cartão vermelho:
Gols: Eli Sabiá, aos 6 min do segundo tempo, Bill aos 34 min do segundo tempo, Chicão, aos 43 minutos do segundo tempo
How to Build a Cloud Without Using Virtualization
How to Build a Cloud Without Using Virtualization
—Leveraging Java EE and dynamic infrastructure to enable a shared resource, on-demand scalable infrastructure – without server virtualization
Many pundits and experts allude to architectures that are cloud-like in their ability to provide on-demand scalability but do not – I repeat do not – rely on virtualization, i.e. virtual machines. But rarely – if ever – is this possibility described. So everyone says it can be done, but no one wants to tell you how.
Maybe that’s because it appears, on the surface, to not be cloud. And perhaps there’s truth to that appearance. It is more pseudo-cloud than cloud – at least by most folks’ definition of cloud these days – and thus maybe you really can’t do cloud without virtualization. There’s also the fact that there is virtualization required – it’s just not virtualization in the way most people use the term today, i.e. equating it with VMware, or Xen, or Hyper-V.
But it does leverage shared resources to provide on-demand scalability, and that’s really what we’re after with cloud in the long run, isn’t it?
One of the tenets of cloud is that scalability is achieved through the use of shared resources on-demand. Anyone who has deployed a Java EE environment knows that it is, above all else, a shared environment. The Java EE application server is essentially a big container, and it performs many of the same functions traditionally associated with virtualization platforms such as abstraction from the operating system, it receives requests via the network and hands them out to the appropriate application, etc… It’s not a perfectly analogous relationship, but the concept is close enough.
So you have a shared environment in which one or more applications might be deployed. The reason this is cloud-like is that just because an application is deployed in a given application server doesn’t mean it’s running all the time. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be loaded all the time, just deployed and ready to be “launched” when necessary.
In order to provide the Java EE “cloud” with mobility we employ a file virtualization solution to normalize file access across a shared, global namespace. Each application server instance accesses the same application resource packages from the normalized file system, thus reducing the storage requirements on the individual server platforms.
The application delivery controller (a.k.a. load balancer plus) virtualizes the applications to provide unified access to the applications regardless of which application server instance they may be launched on. The application delivery controller, assuming it is infrastructure 2.0 capable, is also responsible for the implementation of the “on-demand scalability” necessary to achieve cloud-like status.
The “secret sauce” in this architectural recipe is the ability to integrate the application delivery controller (hence the requirement that it be Infrastructure 2.0 capable) and the application server infrastructure. This integration is really a collaboration that enables a controlling management application to instruct the appropriate application server to launch a given application upon specified conditions – typically upon reaching a number of connections that, once surpassed, is known to cause degradation of performance or the complete depletion of available resources.Because the application delivery controller is mediating for the applications, it has a view of both the client-side and server-side environments, as well as the network. It knows how many connections are currently in use, how much bandwidth is being used, and even – when configured to do so – the current capacity of each off the application servers. And it knows this on a per “network virtual server” which generally corresponds to an application.
All this information can be retrieved by the controlling management application via the application delivery controller’s service-enabled control plane, a.k.a. API (either RESTful or SOAPy, as per the vendor’s implementation). The controlling management application uses this information to decide when (on-demand) to launch a new instance (or unload an instance) of an application on one of the application servers. Java EE application servers are essentially infrastructure 2.0 capable, as well, and provide several methods of remote control that enable the ability to remotely control an application and its environment.
Once the controlling management application has successfully launched (or unloaded) the application in the appropriate application server, the application itself becomes part of the process. A few lines of code effectively instrument the application to register – or deregister as the case may be – itself with the application delivery controller using the aforementioned control-plane. Once the application is registered, it is put into rotation and capacity of the application is immediately increased appropriately. On-demand, using otherwise idle-resources, as required by the definition of “cloud.”
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Dynamic infrastructure, such as an infrastructure 2.0 capable application delivery controller, is a necessary component of any successful on-demand architecture, whether “real cloud” or “pseudo cloud.” It is the ability of such infrastructure to interact with and integrate with management and application infrastructure that enables the entire architecture to affect an on-demand scalable posture capable of utilizing shared resources – whether virtualized or not. Without a dynamic infrastructure this architecture would still be possible; one could manually perform the steps necessary to launch when and where necessary and then add the application to the application delivery controller, but that would incur additional costs and the human latency required to coordinate actions across multiple teams is, well, exceedingly variable – especially on the weekends.
Certainly the benefits of a pseudo-cloud are similar, but not exactly the same, as that of a “real” cloud. You do get to take advantage of shared and quite possibly idle resources. You do get the operational efficiencies associated with automation of the provisioning and de-provisioning of application instances. And you also get the reduction in costs from leveraging a shared storage system. If business stake-holders are charged back only what they use, then you’re further providing value in potentially reducing the physical hardware necessary to ensure resources are available for specific applications, much of which is often wasted by the over-provisioning inherent in such traditional deployments. That reduces the CapEx and OpEx, which is yet another touted benefit that is desired by those exploring both public and private cloud.
This isn’t a simple task. The sharing of resources – particularly in controlling thresholds per application – is more difficult without virtualization a la VMware/Xen/Hyper-V. It’s not nearly as easy as just virtualizing the applications and it requires a bit more planning in terms of where applications can be deployed, but the orchestration of the processes around enabling the on-demand capability is no more or less difficult in this pseudo-cloud implementation as it would be in a real-cloud scenario.
It can be done, and for some organizations unwilling for whatever their reasons to jump into virtualization, this is an option to realize many of the same benefits as a “real” cloud.
Technorati Tags: MacVittie,pseudo cloud,cloud computing,cloud,virtualization,Java EE,dynamic infrastructure,infrastructure 2.0,Java,file virtualization,storage virtualization,infrastructure,architecture,integration,collaboration,context-aware,web,internet,blogRelated blogs & articles:
- Migrate a live application across clouds with no downtime? Sure, no problem.
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Makes Internal Cloud bursting Reality
- How do you get the benefits of shared resources in a private cloud?
- Cloud is Not a Big Switch
- Cloud Computing Makes Servers Obsolete
- Cloud Balancing, Cloud Bursting, and Intercloud
- The Infrastructure 2.0 Trifecta
- Windows Vista Performance Issue Illustrates Importance of Context
- Infrastructure 2.0: As a matter of fact that isn't what it means
- F5 Study Shows Cloud Computing Gaining Critical Mass Among Large Enterprises
3 Patterns from SOA Design Patterns by Thomas Erl
The first draft of SOA Design Patterns had 60 patterns that were reviewed by more than 100 selected SOA specialists from all over the world. During the same time the draft was subject to public review on The SOA community was invited to contribute with their own patterns, ones they had used and had been validated in production. The response led to a collection of 34 new patterns. The end result was a catalog of 85 individual and compound patterns plus 28 candidate patterns – as today - subject to further review and validation by the SOA community. These patterns can be used as guidelines for solid SOA design and implementation. In this article we present 3 Inventory Governance Patterns from chapter 10 of the book: Canonical Expression, Metadata Centralization, and Canonical Versioning.
Dia do Corinthians
Também começam hoje as comemorações do ano do Centenário.
Acesse a página oficial do Corinthians aqui.
Barueri 2 x 2 Corinthians
Renê; Xandão, Daniel Marques e Leandro Castan; João Vítor, Ralf, Ewerton (Marcio Hahn), Thiago Humberto e Márcio Careca; Flavinho (Basílio) e Val Baiano (Luís)
Técnico: Diego Cerri
Rafael Santos; Balbuena, Jean, Paulo André e Marcinho (Marcelo Oliveira); Moradei, Elias e Morais; Jorge Henrique, Henrique (Souza) e Bill (Jadson)
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Data: 26/08/2009 (quarta-feira)
Local: Arena Barueri, em Barueri (SP)
Árbitro: Sálvio Spínola Fagundes Filho (Fifa-SP)
Auxiliares: Ednilson Corona (Fifa-SP) e Roberto Braatz (Fifa-PR)
Cartões amarelos: Leandro Castan, Márcio Careca (BAR); Moradei, Paulo André, Elias, Souza, Morais, Marcelo Oliveira (COR)
Cartão vermelho: Xandão (BAR)
Gols: Flavinho, a 1min do primeiro tempo; Marcinho, aos 7min, Elias, aos 12min, e Val Baiano, aos 18min do segundo tempo
Lessons learned from getting .NET to REST with Java
From: dynaTrace
On a recent project I had to call Java REST services from a .NET Client. Several problems came up – ranging from authentication to hidden performance issues. I want to share my lessons learned and encourage you to share your own opinions and experiences on this topic.
The Context: REST to automate analysis processes in Continuous Integration
Let’s start by giving you some context on my project. I am using dynaTrace and it’s PurePath technology for performance analysis and architecture validation of software applications. Instead of doing this manually I want to automate this process by integrating dynaTrace into my Continuous Integration process so that every build that I run is automatically verified in terms of performance regressions and architectural shortcomings.
dynaTrace exposes several REST services – both on the dynaTrace Server as well as on the dynaTrace Client side. It uses Jetty to host these services. These services enable automation of capturing and analysing diagnostics data that is captured by dynaTrace for every transaction that is executed in my CI environment, e.g.: by my Unit- and Integration Tests.
ITIL Means Business for IT
ITIL Means Business for IT
Running IT departments as mature business units has clearly become more pressing. Recessionary budget pressures and the need to compare existing IT costs to newer options and investments means IT and business leaders need to understand how IT operates from an IT services management (ITSM) perspective.
The "reset economy" has moved the business and operations maturity process of IT from "nice to have" to "must have," if costs are going to be cut without undermining operational integrity. IT financial management (ITFM) must be pervasive and transparent if true costs are to be compared to alternative sourcing options like data center modernization, SaaS, virtualization, and cloud computing models.
Corinthians 3 x 3 Botagofo/RJ
Data: domingo; 23/08/2009
Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP)
Árbitro: Arilson Bispo da Anunciação (BA)
Auxiliares: Alessandro de Matos (Fifa-BA) e Luiz Carlos Teixeira (BA)
Público: 18.184 torcedores
Renda: R$ 511.930,00
Cartões amarelos: Jucilei, Jean, Elias, Dentinho (COR); Wellington, Léo Silva, Victor Simões, Thiaguinho(BOT)
Gols: Dentinho, aos 43min do primeiro tempo; Reinaldo aos 2min, Marcinho, aos 6min, André Lima aos 15min, Dentinho aos 26min, Lucio Flavio, aos 34min do segundo tempo
Julio Cesar; Jucilei, Paulo André, Jean e Marcinho (Diego); Moradei (Bill), Elias e Morais; Jorge Henrique, Henrique (Souza) e Dentinho
Técnico: Mano Menezes
Castillo; Alessandro, Wellington, Juninho e Michael (Thiaguinho); Leandro Guerreiro, Léo Silva (Reinaldo), Fahel e Lúcio Flávio; Victor Simões e André Lima (Renato)
Técnico: Estevam Soares
The Myth of 100% IT Efficiency
The Myth of 100% IT Efficiency
—Idle resources will always need to exist, especially in a cloud architecture
With IT focused on efficiency – for reduction in operating expenses and in the interests of creating a greener computing center – there’s a
danger that we’ll attempt to achieve 100% efficiency. You know, the data center in which no compute resources are wasted; all are applied toward performing some task – whether administrative, revenue generating, development cycles, or business-related – and no machine is allowed to sit around idle.
Because, after all, idleness is the devil’s playground, isn’t it?
But before we decide to technically exorcise our data center of any idleness that might be laying around, consider the ramifications: if there’s no idle resources, how are you going to scale out?
Yeah, exactly. Without idle resources you can’t automatically scale out. In fact, a cloud computing model doesn’t work unless there are resources available (idle) that can be applied at any moment to an application in need of scaling out.
What’s necessary in a cloud computing model is to be allocate idle resources in the most efficient way possible. That sounds paradoxical, but it
actually isn’t. Let’s say that you’re running near 100% efficiency now but recognize that just in case you’d better have some idle resources available.
You can:
- Take advantage of cloud bursting or cloud balancing, using external cloud providers as “overdraft protection.”
Cloud bursting enables an organization to scale out on-demand into the cloud, only when necessary. This keeps its own efficiency as high as possible but provides for availability just in case. Cloud balancing assumes the resources are always available and uses advanced global application delivery (load balancing) techniques to balance the distribution of requests between all available data centers, whether local or in the cloud.- Invest in additional servers to ensure you have extra resources available in case you need them.
There’s something to be said for “being prepared” and the easiest way to do that is to slap a few more servers (or blades, whatever) into the data center just in case. This may decrease your “efficiency rating”, if you have one, but it’s easy enough to counter by asking whether that service level agreement should actually be considered important or can you use it to wrap up your leftover lunch tomorrow. Mentioning SLAs generally gets attention, especially if you imply you might not meet it unless something is done.- Invest in an application delivery solution – or take advantage of one you already have – to improve the efficiency of the servers and applications such that you free up idle resources on existing servers
This is the one everyone overlooks, but it’s probably the best solution in terms of long-term ability to balance efficiency with scalability. That’s because it allows you to improve the efficiency of servers and applications, which means you can achieve higher VM densities or just have “idle” resources sitting around that can be used in the event you need to scale out. It’s the best long term solution because it’s likely if you’re scaling applications you already have a load balancing solution (and need it) and if you’re lucky it’ll be one of the ones that can be extended through modules without disruption to existing infrastructure/applications.- Move every thing to a cloud provider
I know, it’s probably not feasible, but for those organizations for which it is, this actually makes a lot of sense. Moving all applications and IT operations to a cloud provider would certainly ensure scalability and idle resources because well, that’s what they promise. The thing to consider here is cost and where the line between your budget and scale stops. Infinite scalability is a fallacy – you can only scale as far as your budget will allow.- Change the math
Seriously, find a mathematician and have them derive a formula that incorporates the need for idle resources into the overall efficiency equation. If folks can prove 1=0 then you can find someone to come up with a formula that balances the two and still comes up with a 100% efficiency rating.- Ignore the problem and hope that “just in case” doesn’t happen. Make a note to sacrifice a live chicken next week as insurance.
Do nothing is always a solution. It may not be a good one, or the right one, or the one that ensures you have a job next week, but it is a solution.
If you aren’t running at or near 100% efficiency now, keep on top of that. Consider how you’re going to balance the need for idle resources as efficiency (i.e. utilization) continues to increase and do something about it sooner rather than later. Plan a strategy that will maintain performance and capacity while ensuring you have the resources available – regardless of where they might be located – to scale out.
If you haven’t started a virtualization and or cloud computing initiative then you should carefully consider what technology will not only enable you to move toward that goal, but that will assist in providing the best balance of idle resources with high efficiency as you move forward.
Technorati Tags: MacVittie,F5,efficiency,cloud,cloud computing,virtualization,vm density,application delivery,offload,performance,capacity,scalability,web,internet,blogRelated blogs & articles:
- How do you get the benefits of shared resources in a private cloud?
- What is server offload and why do I need it?
- Cloud Balancing, Cloud Bursting, and Intercloud
- To Boldly Go Where No Production Application Has Gone Before
- Building a Cloudbursting Capable Infrastructure
- Scalability Only One Half the Reliability Equation
Hoje é Feriado! É Dia da Saudade! 21/08/2009
Tome uma dose de whisky e relembre!